"Come on, Granger, we've got to go patrol." I said, throwing on my Slytherin scarf. It was December and It was even cold in the corridors. Tonight was the last night we'd stay here until Christmas Break. We have two full weeks off.
"I'm coming, Malfoy. Calm down." Hermione came out of her dorm, dressed warmly in her Gryffindor scarf. "Let's get this over with." She groaned and pulled me into the corridor.
I chuckled and started walking, her next to me. "What happened to your good attitude, Granger? I thought you loved patrolling. What was it you said? Oh, right." I cleared my throat and did my best girl impression, "It gives me a sense of Power and authority." Hermione hit my arm, but couldn't help the smile that slid onto her face, "I don't sound like that." I nod, "Do too."
She smiled and shook her head, "I don't know. I guess I've been a bit down lately." I frowned, "Are you going home for Christmas?" She shook her head and sighed, "No, sadly. My parents were forced to go to Australia to clear up the things that they had done. I guess they had work that they left and it had to be sold or they'd have to move back or something. I'm not quite sure."
I nod, "I suppose you're going to the Burrow then, with Weasel and Potter?" She shook her head and sighed, "No. It hasn't quite been the same ever since Ron and I broke up. I feel like it would be uncomfortable for everyone, including me." I nodded, "So, you're just staying here for the Holidays. Alone?" She laughed, "I guess you could say it that way, yes."
We walked for a while in silence before I asked, "What if you were to come to my manor with me?" Hermione looked at me, surprised. "Are you asking me to go to the manor I was tortured in and where I will most certainly be put down by your mother and father?" I frown, guilt spreading through me, "Well, when you say it like that..." I scratched my neck.
She smiled at my lack of comfort. "If you seriously want me to.... I suppose I might be open to the idea." I stopped walking, shocked, "You will?" She nodded, "All I was going to do was study for O.W.Ls anyways." She shrugged.
I grinned and picked her up and twirled her around, flying her around. She shrieked and laughed, "Draco!" I set her down, "Did you just call me... 'Draco'?" She blushed and said in a defensive tone, "So what if I did?" I shrugged, "Well, I don't think it's such a bad thing."
She smirked, "Does that mean you'll start calling me Hermione?" I shook my head and held her up to my lips, her hands resting on my shoulders and a frown on her precious lips.
"I'll call you Granger, until you become a Malfoy." I grinned. She laughed and I pulled her closer so that our lips met.
It was well past curfew and I was practically sleep walking. I yawned, there were only two more corridors we needed to check, then we could go to bed and the next morning, we would apparate to the Malfoy Manor.
I pointed at the left corridor, "I've got this one." I pointed to the corridor on the right, "And you get that one." Draco nodded and yawned, walking into the corridor.
I smiled and walked down the corridor, It was the room of requirements. My breath hitched. This is where It happened. Fred Weasley.
This very wall collapsed on top of him and was the reason that he was dead. Tears started to well up. I couldn't breath. I fell to the floor gasping for breath. Memories blurred my vision.
I started balling, but I still couldn't breathe. It was like I was receiving a dementor's kiss. I saw a flashback of bodies falling outside, on the grounds of Hogwarts. A first year's pale, dead body falling to the ground.
I gasped, I started panicking. I couldn't breathe. I was going to die. Well what a pathetic way to die. Hermione Granger, the smartest witch of her age, dying from a panic attack, due to that bloody war.
Screw you Voldemort.
Someone was yelling, my vision danced with black spots, I saw someone. A silhouette. " Can't... Breathe!" I gasped out, the person said something and picked me up, bridal style. "Calm down." The voice told me.
I tried to. I focused on my breathing, and not how this castle brought back so many memories of death. I blinked and saw Draco's face. He wouldn't know. He wouldn't know how i felt about this place. After seven years of calling this place my home, it felt just as much as a cemetery.
"Draco..." I gasped. He looked down at me, "Don't leave me, Granger." I smiled, then I frowned, gasping for breath as the memories flooded back. "Don't... stop... talking...." I choked out.
It helped when he talked. It gave me something to focus on. He nodded, "Alright." He frowned, "We're almost there, Granger." I smiled at the worried look on his face. My breathing returned.
"Draco." I croaked. He immediately looked down at me, "I'd never leave you."
I know It was extremely short, but I didn't want to add anything else. Sorry <3
Thank you for 450! And for 40 votes! Luv u <3

She's Mine -- Dramione
FanfictionI glared at the lifeless body of Weasel, "Back off Weasel, she's mine." --- Takes place after the war. Everyone in Hogwarts (Students, teachers, etc.) are still alive. Top rank #13 Thank you! This story is completely Edited.