Shut Up Granger

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I really didn't want to go to class.

And that's probably the first time i've actually said that. And I'm hoping that's the last time I say that. But, honestly, can you blame me? Why would I want to go to potions, to sit next to that- Never mind.

Nevertheless, I dragged myself out of bed, and got ready. I decided that I would go to breakfast. Malfoy must've already headed to breakfast, because It was quiet and the door to his room was open.

I walked out of the Head's common room and LuLu said, "Have an amazing day!" Then she giggled. It took all my self control and a few slaps on the arm from myself , to not turn around and punch a hole through her portrait. Ron better watch out today.

I got to the Great Hall and spotted Ginny, who waved me over frantically. I sat down next to her and she said,  "Are you okay?" She asked. I nodded, "Yeah,  Why?" She shook her head, "Here." She messed with my face until she shrugged, "There." I pick up a piece of toast and she shakes me and squeals. "Ginny, what?" She squeals again, "I can't understand you when you talk like that." She rolled her eyes but kept squealing.

"McGonagall said Yes." I raised my eyebrow at her and looked around, as if there was a clue as to what in the name of Merlin she was talking about. "Right... Yes to what exactly?" Ginny rolled her eyes, "She said I could move in with you!" My jaw dropped. "Are you serious?" She shook her head.

I squealed and hugged her. This was the best news I'd heard all morning. Ginny stopped squealing, "There's a downside, though." I frowned, "What?" She sighed, "Well, McGonagall said she was going to tell you and Malfoy later," She scratched her neck,"So, technically I wasn't supposed to tell you this." I rolled my eyes. "Fine." Ginny looked at the clock.

Let me re-phrase that. Ginny tore my hand away from my piece of toast  to get a good look at my watch. She grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the great hall. "Hurry up, 'Mione. We're gonna be late." I ran with her, trying to continue to eat my piece of toast.

After ten minutes of class, I was starting to think my bad luck had turned around. Then, Ron came stumbling in. I instinctively looked at Malfoy. Looks like he had the same idea. I grimaced and turned to look at Ron. I wiped my face of any emotion and just looked at him, just like everyone else.

Ron met my eye, but immediately looked down. Professor Slughorn turned around, to see what stole all of his student's attention from himself.

"Ah, Mr. Weasley. Bit of a late morning, eh?" Slughorn bellowed. Ron forced a laugh, "My apologies, Sir." Slughorn nodded, "Ah, yes. Don't let it happen again." He chided. Ron nodded several times and stumbled to the seat next to me.

Instead of looking at him, I turned my attention to Slughorn. "Where was I?" Slughorn muttered. Then his eyes brightened and his stomach swelled, "Ah yes!"

"We will be brewing Liquid Luck." My hand found itself in the air in a matter of seconds. He nodded at me, which I assumed was him calling on me. I lowered my hand, "Sir, I believe you mean, Felix Felicis. Which is also known as liquid luck." He nods, "Marvelous, 10 points to Gryffindor."

All the Slytherins groan, except one was missing, usually the one of which was the loudest. I turned to see the very Slytherin smirking instead.

"I don't suppose you have a definition of what Felix Felicis or liquid luck, whichever you prefer, might be?" Has he met me? I nod, "Felix felicis is a liquid potion that brings luck to the person who drinks it."

Slughorn beams, "Excellent! Another ten points to Gryffindor." Another round of groans.

Would you stop? You're making all us other blokes look bad. I laughed. Maybe you should read like me. Ever think of that? He scoffs, Why would I put the work in if I could just copy off of you? My mouth dropped. Draco Malfoy!

Then, the voice that seems to love eavesdropping popped up, Hey guys, you're doing it again. I rolled my eyes, Doing what? Blaise chuckled, Looking like lunatics.

... We decided to start brewing our potions.

I was still trying to cut open whatever thing this was. Harry had crushed it with the blade of his knife. I hope he gets it wrong so that he'd follow directions instead of using that stupid book.

"Um. Hermione," Ron said. I kept my face emotionless, "I know that you saw me and... Lavender." I could feel his eyes on me. "Um. kissing." I finally looked up. "So what. Why are you bringing this up?"

Ron looks surprised. Like, Woah! She talks!?

I guess he didn't have a reason because he closed his mouth and didn't open it again the rest of the class. Except when Brown came around, obviously.

Harry won the Felix Felicis. I blame the book. Somehow, my potion resembled my Aunt's plum juice... and smelled like it too.

After transfiguration,  McGonagall called, "Before you all leave to the Great Hall, may I see Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Zabini, Miss. Granger, and Miss. Weasley, Please? Thank you." We all kind of gave each other looks and walked up to her.

"Good afternoon," She greeted, politely, "It has been brought to my attention that we have changed something that did not need to be changed." Malfoy and Blaise looked confused. "Mr. Malfoy, I believe Mr. Zabini is your best male friend?" McGonagall asked. Malfoy nodded, "Yes."

Blaise beamed. Don't pat yourself on the back too much there, buddy. I said. He replied moments later in my mind, Shut up, Granger.

"And Miss. Granger, Miss Weasley is your best female friend?" She asked. I nodded. Ginny didn't react. I raised an eyebrow at Blaise. He stuck his tongue out at me. All of which happened while McGonagall wasn't looking, of course.

"Well, in previous years, we have had two head prefect, one of which was a girl and the other a boy," We all exchanged glances, "Mr. Zambini, Miss. Weasley, you have been chosen as Head prefects." Blaise celebrated while Ginny laughed at him, they gave each other high fives.

Professor McGonagall nodded, "You will both be moved to the Head's common room to accompany Miss. Granger and Mr. Malfoy. I believe they are in need of some company." I pretended to be surprised. But I didn't have to pretend to be excited. I squealed and hugged Ginny.

Malfoy and Blaise went a little crazy. They did a, very long, handshake. Then, they straightened their ties and Ginny and I gave them looks that clearly read; Seriously guys.

Malfoy frowns, Don't ruin it.

"Well, I've already moved your things, Miss. Weasley and Mr. Zambini. Now, go on." She made a gesture with her hands like her nails were wet. We nodded and practically ran out of the room.

"You knew about that, didn't you?" Malfoy asked. I gave him a look, "Why would you ask that?" He frowns, "Because girls celebrate more." Ginny cracked her knuckles, "Want to re-phrase that, Ferret?" Malfoy shook his head, "I've been punched enough in my life time." He gave me a look.

I laughed and shrugged, "Oh come on, you were practically begging for me to punch you."



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