I Think That Was The Best Kiss I Had Ever Experienced

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I walked into the common room on my way to breakfast and saw Malfoy laying on the couch, bare chested. I stiffened. All those years of quidditch had payed off. Malfoy noticed me and smirked, "Take a picture, it'll last longer." I rolled my eyes, my cheeks heated. I folded my arms over my chest defensively, "I was just looking at your fat stomach." I laughed. He smirked, "They're called abs, Granger." I rolled my eyes, "Whatever." 

I walked to the portrait but Malfoy stood up and said, "Wait up." I turned around and raised my eyebrow at him. "Why?" He grinned and opened LuLu's portrait. "Because we're officially a couple, and couples walk together." He grabbed my hand and swung it, jokingly. I rolled my eyes, but kept my hand in his. 

I started walking, him following. "I thought we were keeping this a secret." I gestured to our intertwined hands. He smirked, "Well, Weasel kind of ruined that, didn't he?" I laughed, "I guess he didn't ruin it. In fact, I think that he made it better." I smiled he smirked. 

"Oh my Merlin! Harry, go grab your muggle contraption and take a picture of this!" I heard someone squeal, "Weaselette," Malfoy sighed. I laughed and turned around. 

Ginny was squealing and jumping around like an idiot, and Harry was standing there, jaw on the floor. He was staring at... our hands. Crap. Well, it was time for him to know. "What? You didn't know about... this?" I lifted our hands. I looked and saw Malfoy smirking. I rolled my eyes, he was too cocky for his own good. 

"N-No." Harry stuttered. Malfoy laughed, "Weasel told everyone during that pathetic speech he played out in the Great Hall." Harry blinked, "I thought he was kidding." I glanced at the floor. "So, you've forgiven him or whatever?" Ginny asked, looking bored. I nodded and smirked at Malfoy, "For the time being." He furrowed his eyebrows, "What's that supposed to mean?" 

I scoff, "Please, You'll do something stupid and then I'll just have to forgive you all over again." He rolled his eyes, "Or you could just forgive me for everything stupid I do and we won't have to go through this again." I shrug, he rolled his eyes. 

"Well, Let's go to breakfast, lover girl." Ginny exclaimed and yanked my arm away from Malfoy's, pulling me along to the Great Hall with her. 

As we got to the Great Hall, Harry and Malfoy walked up behind us. Harry and Ginny went to go sit down. I was about to follow them, but Malfoy grabbed my hand and spun me around so I was trapped in his embrace. Bloody ferret, he wanted to make a show. I laughed at him and he grinned, then he whispered in my ear. "Astronomy Tower, tonight. Just past curfew. Don't tell a soul." I laughed and nodded, "Alright, fine. Now let me go." 

He teasingly thought for a minute. "Not until I get a kiss." I laugh and peck him on the cheek, then, I walked away. "You're such a tease." I winked at him and walked to the Gryffindor table, sitting next to Ginny, who elbowed me and wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. I rolled my eyes and jabbed her in the side.

I picked up a piece of toast and saw Ron glaring me. I frowned at my toast. 


I got into bed and glanced at Ron. He looked pretty upset at Hermione and Malfoy's scene in the Great Hall. I wasn't. I was happy for Hermione. I mean, sure, I wish she had chosen someone else. Anyone else. But, what do you do?

I opened the map I had gotten so many years ago. Now that they were together, I have to keep an eye on Malfoy. I laughed to myself. I remember years ago, doing the exact same thing. Stalking Malfoy. Except this was a little less important. I mean, saving the world from death eaters is pretty important, but making sure Malfoy didn't hurt Hermione is probably second on my list.

"I solemnly swear, that I am up to no good." I whispered, pointing my wand at the middle of the map. Slowly, an exact replica of Hogwarts lay on the paper. I searched for Malfoy's name. "There." I muttered, pointing to Malfoy's footprints on the page. They weren't in the Head dorm. I got out of bed. I looked in the head dorm. Ginny was asleep in one room, Blaise was in the other. Hermione was... nowhere. I expected her to be in the common room or something. I rolled my eyes, She's probably in the library. 

I searched the map for Hermione's name. I found it... on the ledge of the astronomy tower. Oh Merlin. I quickly got dressed and flew out of Gryffindor Tower. I glanced at the map momentarily, trying to follow where Malfoy was currently walking. 

I found him and shouted down the corridor, "Oi! Malfoy." Malfoy turned around and raised his eyebrows, "Potter." I frowned, "I know you're going to go meet her." Malfoy's face went slack. "...What? Meet who? I don't know what you're talking about-" I shook my head, "Don't play games with me, Malfoy," I paused, "Hermione." Malfoy stood there, silent. 

"She told you, didn't she. I told her not to tell a soul-" I shoved the map lower in my back pocket, "I have my ways, she didn't have to tell me." Malfoy didn't say anything. I frowned at him, "Don't hurt her, Malfoy." Malfoy shook his head, "I would never-" 

I smirked, "Or else your father will hear about this." Malfoy chuckled and rolled his eyes, "That's my line!" I chuckled and nodded, "But, I'm serious." Malfoy nodded. "Well, I'll leave you, but If I were you, I'd avoid the left corridor." Malfoy gave me a quizzical look, "Mrs. Norris. Filch." Malfoy nodded, but frowned. "You psychic, Potter?" I laughed and shook my head, "Sadly, no. But, as I said before..." I walked away and called over my shoulder, "I have my ways." 


I swear, Potter's always got to be mysterious and dramatic. 

After Potter's weird speech, I finally made it to the astronomy tower, avoiding the left corridor, mind you. When I got there, I saw Hermione sitting on the ledge, her head rested on the pillar. She looked so at peace, so happy. Carefree. And I thought it was breathtaking. 

"It's about time." She smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and sat next to her on the ledge. "Well, your best friend Potter stopped me and had a little chat about not hurting you." She laughed, "It's was quite creepy that he knew where I was." Hermione thought for a second and laughed, hard. "What?" She waved me off, "I'll explain later." I pouted, "Promise?" She laughed, "Yes." 

I studied her face. It truly was beautiful. She blushed. "What do you keep staring at?" I smile, "You." She frowns, "Why?" I laugh and grab her waist, pulling her next to me. She yelped in surprise, but laughed and rested her head on my chest. I smiled, "Because I love you." She laughed, "Well, it's about time." 

I smirk at her head. "Do you know why I was so terrible to you when we were younger?" I asked. She frowned and mumbled, "My blood." I shook my head. "No." She sat up and looked at me. I smiled, "It's because you went against everything that they taught me." 

She smiled. Then she frowned, "Don't look at me like that." I frowned, "Like what?" She looked down, blushing, "Like I'm your everything." I smiled and shook my head, "I can't do that, Granger." Then, I leaned in. I was elated when I saw her doing the same. 

Our lips locked together, as if our lips were two puzzle pieces made for the other. She pulled on my blonde locks and I cupped a handful of her crazy, frizzy, beautiful hair in my hand. 

And I think that was the best kiss I had ever experienced. 


I'm in love <3

Lol, thank  you for 400! And, what? 35 votes? Luv u all <3

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