Finally a year of peace.
I needed one for a change. Constant running from Voldemort every year. And for the first few years of my life at Hogwarts, exams had been canceled. I mean, how was I supposed to learn if I didn't have exams!?
I woke up in my bedroom in London. It was quite peaceful. Mostly because no one was awake yet. I was about to get out of bed when I heard the tap of owl legs on the window. I grinned, I expect Ron finally wrote back! It had been a while since we had kissed in the Chamber of Secrets.
I opened the window and untied the letter from the owl. It didn't look like Ron's owl, Pigwidgeon. It was a barn owl. I noticed it wasn't flying away, then I remembered about the owl food.
I got owls pretty often, and it seems like every owl i encounter needs to be paid, even when i'm not the one sending the letter. I gave the food to the owl and it hooted appreciatively at me. Then it flew away.
I closed the window and glanced at the letter. One word popped out at me. Hogwarts. Immediately I was overjoyed. After all the sorrow of loosing so many loved ones last year, it was nice to know that there was something to look forward to. And who didn't look forward to going to Hogwarts?
To Hermione Jean Granger
It was also printed with my address on the front. I flipped it around, eager to open it. On the back it had red wax with the Hogwarts logo on it. I opened it up and immediately started reading the first piece of parchment I found.
Dear Miss Granger,
We would like to invite you back to Hogwarts for your 7th year. In the envelope there is a list of necessary supplies. My apologies for the date of which this letter was received. We have been working very hard to repair any damaged caused to Hogwarts.
I should know, I was there helping for months during the break.
Also, I am pleased to inform you that you have been chosen for Head Girl. Your badge is inside the envelope of which you received this letter and is clipped to your supply list.
Lastly, I would like to inform you that the Head Boy will be Draco Malfoy. You will meet with him in the Head compartment on the Hogwarts express and there, a fellow teacher will give you a list of your duties.
I couldn't breathe, but I forced myself to continue reading.
Please inform us if you plan on coming this year by August 28.
Minerva McGonagall
Before I could register anything, I took a piece of parchment and a quill from my Hogwarts trunk, already packed. I scribbled a reply that I was grateful for the honor of Head girl, Although I was seriously unhappy with Dumbledore's choice of Head boy. (Don't worry, I left the part about Malfoy out.) And that I was happy to attend Hogwarts in a mere four days.
I had just realized that I had sent away the owl so I'd have no way of returning the letter. I made a mental note to purchase an owl this year. I guess the owl was smart, and realized my mistake, because it tapped on the window again.
I smiled gratefully at it, even though I doubt it could read facial expressions. I tied it onto it's leg and gave it more food. To apologize for my mistake.
I went back to my bed, where the letters lay scattered. I groan as I read that line again:
Lastly, I would like to inform you that the Head Boy will be Draco Malfoy.

She's Mine -- Dramione
Fiksi PenggemarI glared at the lifeless body of Weasel, "Back off Weasel, she's mine." --- Takes place after the war. Everyone in Hogwarts (Students, teachers, etc.) are still alive. Top rank #13 Thank you! This story is completely Edited.