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All the Royals from first generation will be played by who originally played them. (If they want of course).


Former King Nicolas: NeonSunsets
Former Queen Megaera: @me

King William: @me
Queen Sionnach: ZiyandaLauren13
Duke Ryan: Yologirl2050
Duchess Lucy: Gold-Cold
Princess Royal Lindsay: Laugh-For_Tomorrow
Duke Hunter: NeonSunsets
Duchess Gwendolyn: TheBrokenGirlofEarth
Duchess of France Mia: @me
Princess Royal Rylee: EpicMorninglory

Queen of France Arianna: Sunbeanie_07
Duke of France James: LikeTotallyTubular


William and Sionnach's Children
Crown Prince Logan (selecting): @me
Prince Colton (selecting): -FallenSpirit-
Prince Rolin (selecting): ZiyandaLauren13
Princess Megan: @me
Princess Everly: @me

Ryan and Lucy's Children
Princess Kaitlyn (selecting): Gold-Cold
Princess Kelly (selecting): A_Wild_Punny
Princess Elizabeth: ECav04
Princess Adeline: KaJDancer

Hunter and Gwen's Children
Princess Alissa (selecting): NeonSunsets
Prince Preston (selecting): UnrulyRobot

James and Mia's Children
Crown Princess of France Mikayla (selecting): @me
Princess of France Madelyn (selecting): LullabySongs
Prince of France Zachary: CrimsonAuther

Lindsay's Children
Princess Adelaide: Laugh-For_Tomorrow

In total, there are five princesses and three princes selecting.

There will be 20 girls picked for the prince's selections and 30 boys picked for the princess's selections.

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