Princess Elizabeth "The Instigator"

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Name: Elizabeth Schreave

Nickname(s) (if any): Liz, Lizzy, Beth

Age: 15

Personality: she is known as "the instigator" because she is always the one that starts the plot. Her sister Adeline is the one that comes up with the plan, while Elizabeth puts it into action. She is mischievous and enjoys playing pranks on/with her friends and family. She is the more outgoing of the twins

Likes: playing pranks on/with people

Dislikes: having pranks played on her

Strengths: she is a fast talker and is good at confusing people, which can help her get herself, Colton, and Adeline out of trouble

Weaknesses: gets impatient very easily, gets annoyed very easily, can snap and lash out if she is mad

Dreams/Hopes/Desires: she just wants to continue being a big happy family and never wants to loose her siblings or cousins

Thoughts on the Selection: she is excited because now they have more "victims", more people to play pranks on

Looks/FC: Brighton Sharbino

Other: often she and Adeline will trick people into mixing the them up, since they are identical twins

Played by: ECav04

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