Princess Kaitlyn "The Tomboy"

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Name: Kaitlyn Schreave

Nickname(s) (if any): Kat

Age: 19

Personality: very outgoing. She is opinionated and will speak her mind. She tries to keep up a 'strong' image, and doesn't like people to perceive her as 'weak'

Likes: sports, being outside, being called Kat, sunshine, being treated equally as the boys, proving her worth

Dislikes: being called Kaitlyn, dresses, makeup, rain, crying, people that say she can't do things because she's a girl, being proved wrong

Strengths: she is very strong willed and is tough. She can hold her own and doesn't need a man to do things for her. She is spunky and also very creative, often thinking outside of the box

Weaknesses: she always thinks that she is right and what she says is the right thing or that her idea is the best. She is a bit narrow minded and doesn't like to open her mind up to hear other people's opinions

Dreams/Hopes/Desires: she wants to make a life for herself and she wants to build up her own reputation not based on the face that she is a princess, but on the fact that she is a good person and is intelligent and skilled

Thoughts on the Selection: she thinks it's stupid, she doesn't think she is old enough to marry and doesn't want to have love forced upon her, also she doesn't want boys fighting over her like some prize

Looks/FC: Taylor Hill

Favorite Place in the Palace: the stables

Other: she and Prince Preston hang out a lot

Played by: Gold-Cold

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