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[ josh's pov ]

i messed up.

but, i know i like tyler.

despite the fact he probabaly doesn't feel the same, i mean it's a crazy thought.

josh: will you please just respond?
read 6:40 am

josh: i know you're reading these.
read 6:42 am

"josh? helloooo?" marcy raises an eyebrow, crap she's been talking this entire time.

"y-yeah sorry i got caught up in something" i respond not looking up from my phone.

"are you okay?" marcy let's out a sigh.

"will you excuse me ill be right back."

i rush to the bathroom.

josh: meet me in the bathroom.
read 6:45 am

sure enough, the bathroom door swings open and there stands a small framed boy.

"i want- no i need to tell you something, you may not want to talk to me again. it's a little weird, and strange, but i can stand you not knowing." i burst out quicker than intended.

he just stands there, eyes blank, but i can tell he cares what i have to say.

"w-well you see, i know i have no right really, ive known you for a little over a month now, and i don't really know that much about you. but boy do i want to. i like you tyler joseph. not marcy, not anyone else. and- and it's not the friendship kind of feeling it's more than that. i think at least, actually i know." i feel my eyes swell with tears, now is not the time josh.

he just stares at me, almost through me.

"i-im sorry if i scared you, or sound too.. i don't know. i just don't want to lose you as a friend either way." i know he won't respond, but movement would be nice.

his feet bring his body closer to mine, he appears to swallow, as if he's holding back what he wants to say?

he puts his hand to his throat, but quickly takes it away and shakes his head.

"m-me-me t-too."


[ a/n ]

prove me wrong is such a good song


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