Chapter 1

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  "Join my crew (Y/N)!" Luffy said with a giant grin on his face as he holds your hand. You giggle and hug him.

"Trust me Luffy, I would love to but now just isn't the time besides, I already have a captain and I don't think he'd be happy if I left him for another crew." you explained to the rubber man.

You had been sailing with the Straw Hats ever since you fell out of your captains 'ship' and into the sea. If your crewmates weren't drunk at the time it happened you would most likely still be there, but sadly no your captain was to busy scolding them at the moment and didn't notice you fall off. Anyways you somehow managed to survive 3 days and The Straw Hats found and rescued you. You were grateful to that and you promised you would only stay until you were reunited with your captain and crewmates. Luffy on the other hand started to develop feelings for his new friend.

"I want you on my crew (Y/N)! You're a decent swordswoman compared to Zoro and your really strong." Luffy says with a smile and grabs you.

"Luffy, if she can't she can't, and if she doesn't want to you can't make her if she doesn't want to. Besides what if her scary crew comes after us because we took her from them." Usopp says as he gets scared at the thought.

"We'll just beat em' up!" as Luffy said that you didn't like the sound of that idea. Seriously!? Him beating up your captain who is also a warlord. You chuckle at the thought and Luffy looks at you confused

"What's so funny (Y/N)?" Luffy asked curiously. You giggle at his question.

"Oh nothing, it's just that your so cute Luffy, Ok I guess I'll stay for a little bit longer but don't take it as me joining your crew ok Luffy." You say with a smile and pinch Luffy's cheeks.

"(Y/N)-chaaannn! I'm so happy you're staying with us longer lets celebrate! I'll start making you the most delicious food you have ever had!" Sanji said and he had heart eyes

"Thank you Sanji-kun, I love your cooking." You say with a smile giving him and hug and he gets a nosebleed.

"B-But what if her crew comes and gets angry a-and attacks us?" Usopp asks afraid. You laugh and pat him on the back.

"Don't worry Usopp. If they do come I'll explain everything. Captain can be pretty reasonable especially with me since I'm the only female in his crew. I'll make sure he doesn't hurt you guys, he's not that type of guy anyway." You reassure him with a sweet smile.

"(Y/N), you can come sleep in the girls dorm instead of out here every night. It's gotta be uncomfortable laying on the hard deck all night." Nami offers to you.

"Thanks Nami, I appreciate it. Its been a while since I slept in an actual bed anyway haha."

You look over to Zoro seeing him glare at you being held by Luffy. He's probably still mad about you beating him in the booze drinking contest.

"Ah come on Zoro-san, you're not still mad I outdrank you last night are you?" you walk over to him nudging him with your elbow.

"(Y/N), can I talk to you in private for a minute?" Zoro asks you and you give him a smile.

"Of course Zoro-san." You smile at him and you both walk up to the crow's nest together.

"So, Zoro what is it you wanted to talk about?" You ask him as your green haired boyfriend pulls you close to him and you slightly blush.

"Z-Zoro-san, W-What are you d-doing?" You say as your face is up against hard, toned chest.

"(Y/N), You know Luffy has feelings for you right? He just doesn't know it. I can't stand see him holding you like that. He doesn't act like that around any other girls." Zoro gives you a sad look.

"Aww Zoro-san, your not jealous are you? Look none of them no about our relationship so its only natural for him to act like that. You're the only guy I have feelings for and thats not because you beat me sparring the other day. Stop worrying and just relax." you smile at him and give him a reassuring look. You kiss him softly and as he starts to kiss back...

"Oi (Y/N)! You still up here? Sanji just finished making dinner and..." Luffy burst in through the door catching you and Zoro together and you both freeze and seperate from each other quickly. What in the world just happened?!  

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