Chapter 3

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  You challenged Luffy to a rematch of the staring contest except if he won this time you would have to do something you don't even want to mention. He came up with this one not you. Anyways, this time you won because a giant fish Usopp caught got Luffy's attention and made him completely forget the contest so, technically you won. So now you could finally get out of him if he liked your not.

"Luffy. You gotta tell me now since I won." You hug him giving him the cutest face you could.

"Ehhhhh! But I wanna fish with Usopp!" Luffy whined.

"You can fish with him after you tell me and if you don't..." you say pulling out your massive katana. "I'll beat it out of you."

"(Y/N).... The person I like is you. When you talk to me my chest gets warm and I feel happy and when you talk to other guys my chest hurts and and I like it when you play with me cause your the only girl who plays with me and your really pretty and and you gave me your dinner and your always so nice to me (Y/N) even though you can be scary but even when you're scary you're still nice to me." Luffy admits with a tiny bit of pink on his cheeks. You couldn't help but awe because how he made it sound was like a little kid confessing to his crush which made you think it was just adorable. You hugged him closely.

"That' sweet Luffy." You tell him with a little bit of tears in your eyes.

"Why are you crying." He asks.

"Because thats the cutest way anyone has ever confessed their love to me." You smile giving him a kiss on the cheek but that was interrupted due to an explosion.

"We're under attack the Navy is behind us!" Zoro screamed down to us. It wasnt just a navy ship it was a bunch of navy ships followed behind quite a lot of warships and you can see one person standing on the leading warship. Fleet Admiral Akainu. You freaked out at the sight of him. If he found out you were here you'd be dead meat.

"No! Not him! Why now god dammit. Nami is there anywhere on here I can hide I can't let my d- I mean the Fleet Admiral see me!" You screamed at her and she gives you a confused look and points down to the girls dorm and you quickly run and hide in there. "Come and get me when they're gone!" you yell. Luffy obviously wanted to stay and fight but Nami convinced him that they can't because of the many warships and navy ships so she yells to Franky to ready Coup De Burst.

~~~Time Skip To After Coup De Burst Cause I'm Lazy XD~~~

Nami tells you that you can come out now and you do so and everyone looks at you shaking.

"(Y/N) whats wrong? Do you know him?" Nami asks you rubbing your shoulders and you slowly nod.

"I might as well tell all of you." They all gather on the deck and you begin to tell them."This isn't easy to say but....Akainu is my dad." Everyone's jaw drops as you say that. "I figured you'd react like that but let me tell you the whole story ok. My dad is... well was a very loving and great guy. He didn't used to hate pirates like he does now but theres a reason for why he does now. Pirates killed my mom and kidnapped me two years ago. My dad thought I was dead too but obviously I'm not. Anyways those pirates tried to auction me off at Sabaody. And thats when Captain saved me." I begin to smile. "Captain took down those pirates and saved me. I was so grateful and begged him on how I could repay him. He told me I didn't have to and as he was walking off a Marine was getting ready to stab him from behind so I grabbed the nearest object I could which was this giant katana i have now and..sliced him before he could hit him. Captain was shocked on how well I used a sword and decided to take me along with him. Don't get me wrong I felt bad cutting a Marine down I just couldn't stand my savior getting hurt. And ever since then I've sailed with him. But I never had the courage to tell my dad I was alive and if he knew I was and WAS a pirate he'd.....he' heartbroken." You start to tear up and Luffy comes and walks over to you.

"That hothead was your dad?" he asks in a serious voice and you nod looking at him. "He's the one....who killed Ace." Your eyes widen as Luffy said that and you tear up even more and hug Luffy tightly.

"I'm so sorry dad did that to you Luffy!" You sob into his chest. "You must have been in so much pain! Its my fault if I just would've gone back to him that would have never would have happened to you!" You bawl in his arms and he holds you tight.

"(Y/N), Its not your fault." He looks into your eyes. "It would've happened anyway because Ace died protecting me from your dad. So don't think of it as your fault. Cheer up I'll share some of my dinner with you." He wipes your tears lifting your chin up and giving you a cheeky smile and you nod trying to smile. Chopper comes up to you and sits in your lap and you snuggle him.

"Thanks Luffy. Chopper you're so adorable you cheer me up too!" You say to the little reindeer smiling.

"I'm not happy you called me adorable!~~~You bastard." Chopper says with a little blush on his face and you giggle.

"Hey Sanji. Can you get dinner started?" You ask him sweetly.

"Of course, my lovely (Y/N)-saaaaaann I will get right on that!" He says turning into a love tornado and going into the kitchen. You giggle. You guys eat dinner after that and of course Luffy keeps his promise of 'sharing' his food with you and what I mean by 'share' I mean shoving a giant piece of meat into your mouth. After everyone finishes eating and turns in to their rooms your left alone cause your on watch. Zoro comes out and sneaks his hands around your waist which makes you jump than look back seeing its only him, you relax and lean back into his chest.

"What are you doing up?" You ask him teasingly.

"Just checking to see if you were alright." You knowing that was not the only reason look back at him with a smirk raising an eyebrow. "Okay and I was worried about you." Thats the Zoro you know.

"I'm fine. Go back to sleep." You lightly push him off of you and just as he does he kisses your cheek and goes back to the boys dorm. You lean over the railing watching the stars in the sky and you sit back and relax looking at the night sky. The next morning you were awoken by Usopp.

"Huh? Whatcha need Usopp?" You yawn, rubbing your eyes.

"I was wondering if you knew where Luffy was?" Usopp asks with a concerned face. Luffy? You look at Usopp pointing at Sunny's head and Usopp goes over there and finds his captain goofing off on the top of the lions mane. You slowly get up with a major headache and head over to the sick bay to see Chopper.

"Hey Chopper do you have anything for a throbbing headache." You chuckle and he looks at you and hands you some medicine and a glass of water. You take it and thank him.

"Thanks Doctor Chopper." You wink at him before leaving.

"I'm not happy at all that you said that~~~You bastard" Chopper saying doing his little shy dance thing. You chuckle and leave only to be met by Robin.

"Whoa! Robin you scared me. Whats up?" You ask her after being startled.

"I was hoping you could tell me who your Captain was." She starts to tell you. Your Captain? Why would she want to know that?

(A/N ) Hey guys, just so you know I wrote this story a year ago and it was my most popular on DeviantArt. I hope you are all enjoying it. I enjoyed writing it. My writing isn't as good as it used o be but I hope you all like this as much as others have. :)  

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