Chapter 16

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  Today was not any ordinary day, today was special. Today was the 2 year anniversary of the day you and Law first met. You had the perfect gift for him. You had been hiding it in your room for the past few months (before you fell off the ship). You woke up this morning and made breakfast for the crew, but you made something special for Law. Pancakes and bacon. Okay yes, not the healthiest choice but you made it because he liked pancakes and bacon. You knock on his bedroom door with the tray in hand.

"Law-sama, I brought your breakfast. May I come in?" you ask. You waited for a response but you didn't get one. You knocked again.

"Law-sama?" still no answer. This made you worry so you went into his room and found him asleep on his bed. That made you giggle, he never usually sleeps in. You walk closer and look at his sleeping face and you silently smile in awe. He's just so cute when he's sleeping. His eyes pop open, startling you.

"(Y/N)-ya, why are you in here?" Law asks sleepily.

"I brought you breakfast cutie." you smile and kiss his cheek setting the tray on his desk and sit on the end of his bed.

"I told you, I'm not cute." He comments at you and sits up and the covers fall down revealing his naked bare chest. Oh lord how you were trying not to drool over him, biting your lip to keep your mouth closed. This was the first time ever you've seen him shirtless and it drove you crazy.

"You know what day it is right?" you ask him lovingly.

"Yea, I wouldn't forget." he looks at you and reaches for the tray and you hand it to him. He began to eat and smiled at you. "(Y/N)-ya I love it when you cook." Law says and you blush.

"I'm not that good at cooking..." he stuffed a piece of pancake in your mouth and chuckled. You chewed and swallowed. "Ok, maybe a little.." you admit. He pulled you into to his lap after setting the tray back on the desk. You stole the hat off his head and he looked at you. "Its mine now." you stuck your tongue out at him. He chuckled and said.

"Its looks good on you." He pushes the hat up over your eyes and kisses you passionately. It felt so good you began to kiss him back. His tongue entered your mouth and wrestled with yours for dominance but he won. You had your fingers tangled in his black locks and he stroked your cheek. When the need for air came you both stopped and you pressed your head against his warm chest listening to his heartbeat.

"Law-sama, I'm cold. Can I cuddle under the blankets with you?" you said in the most innocent voice and he nodded and you got under the covers next to him. He was holding you, your back against his chest. Than of course there was knocking at the door.

"Cap'n, Sorry to intrude but...." Penguin walks in and freezes at the sight.

"GET OUT!" you and Law yell simultaneously and Penguin scrambles out of the room slamming the door behind him. Once you both got back to cuddling he wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you closer and you giggled. You closed your eyes and began to drift off but felt something big poke your butt. Your eyes jolted open and you turned to see Law asleep again and you reach your hand under the covers to find out what was poking your ass and you were praying it wasn't what you thought it was.

You look under the covers and saw....... his knee. You let out a relieved sigh but something didn't go unnoticed. He wasn't wearing any pants....or boxers.....You covered your innocent eyes and jumped out of the bed and ran out of the room, slamming the door, waking Law. 'Why'd she leave' he thought.

OMFGGGG! I did not see what I think I just saw. No it couldn't have been. Calm down (Y/N) maybe it was the bed sheets twisted around. Yea. Law would never sleep naked. You calmed down convincing yourself it was the sheets but you knew damn well it wasn't.  

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