Chapter 4

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  "I'm actually not supposed to say to anyone if asked. Sorry Robin." You apologize.

"Hmm. I was thinking if we knew who he was we could call him via transponder snail but since you can't tell us I guess thats not an option" said Robin

"W-Wait! I know his transponder snail number just let me call him and tell him where I am and he can meet us at the next island I prefer to have privacy when I call him though please." You tell Robin. She thinks it over and nods and lets you borrow the transponder snail and leaves the room. You dial the number and it rings.

Buru buru buru buru buru, Buru buru buru buru buru.

"Yo...Who is this?" The sound of the low voice came through the transponder snail, although muffled and slightly distorted (Y/N) could definitely tell that it was indeed the Captain who had answered.

"(Y/N)" She replied sheepishly, although she wasn't quite sure why she felt so embarrassed about the situation.

"(Y/N)-ya!?" He shouts in confusion which catches the attention of the other crewmates. "(Y/N)'s on the line? What!? Thank God she's ok!" you hear the rest of your crew in the background. "(Y/N)-ya! Where are you?!" asks your worried captain. You giggle and respond

"I'm fine Captain, I'm on the Straw Hat's ship. They saved me. And before you ask, no I'm not hurt and yes they're treating me well. So I was hoping we could meet at Olen Island since thats the island we're closest to. You can come and pick me up there if thats okay with you sir." you says with a slight blush on your face.

"Actually, We're on Olen Island so we'll just wait here for you to arrive." Your Captain tells you.

"Great. It might take us a a few days at most to get there." You inform him.

"It doesn't matter as long as Straw Hat-ya gets you here safely. I'll be waiting at Shobe Cafe. Call me when you get to the island so I know you're safe."

"Okay, Captain I will. Oh and tell Bepo I said I miss him." You say with a smile. He growls when you call him captain.

"What did I tell you about calling me 'captain'?!"

"Whoops. Hehe Love you too bye." You cut the call there and giggle and come back outside on the deck. "Okay guys, I was just talking with my captain and we agreed to meet on Olen Island." Zoro comes up and gives you a hug. "Z-Zoro-san.... What are you doing?" you ask blushing.

"Hugging you because you're leaving soon." He says. You look at him and hug back knowing its going to be hard for him because he loves you. But what will Luffy have to say?

"NOOOOO!" Luffy whines and pouts. "You're not leaving!" Luffy stretches his arms out and grabs you and pulls you close to him and holds you.

"L-Luffy!" you shout! "Put me down! Guys help!"

"Luffy put (Y/N) down she doesn't have a choice." Chopper commented.

"NO! (Y/N)'s part of my nakama and I don't wanna lose her!" Luffy starts to run around the ship with you. Zoro, Chopper, Usopp and Sanji chase after him while Robin and Nami try to explain to Luffy why you can't stay.

"Luffy! Quit being so stubborn. She can't stay. Her crew is waiting for her. It's not like we're never gonna see her again." Nami said as she is watching the boys chase Luffy around with you in his arms.

"Luffy you should just relax and spend what time you have left here with her before she goes." Robin remarked. Oh no she just made it worse. But then Luffy stops and puts you down.

"Luffy we will see each other again I promise." You gave him a reassuring smile and kissed him, shocking everyone and made Luffy blush. Luffy literally fainted after that and Chopper freaked out.

"Luffy passed out! Someone get a doctor! Oh yeah thats me." Chopper takes Luffy to the sick bay and tries to wake him up as everyone else just looks at you still confused about what just happened.

"You....made Luffy faint....just by kissing him..." Nami exclaimed suprised. You giggle and go to the sick bay to check on Luffy.

"I know what will wake him up Chopper." You wink at the reindeer. "Meat." you whisper into Luffy's ear and his eyes shoot open.

"MEAT?! WHERE?! I WANT THE MEAT?!" Luffy said with his eyes sparkling. You giggled.

"There's no meat silly. I just said that to wake you up."

"Thats mean (Y/N)." You giggle and give him a hug.

Later that day you were sparring with Zoro in the crow's nest. You wanted to improve yourself to impress your captain when you see him again.

"(Y/N). Can I tell you something?" Zoro stops and asks you looking in your eyes seriously.

"Of course Zoro-san. What is it?

"I don't want you to leave either. I want you to stay here with us." You see the sadness in Zoro's eye and you walk over to him and put your hand on his cheek.

"I'm going to miss you too. But I promise we will see each other again." You take your hand off his cheek and you begin to walk away and you feel a hand grab your wrist and pull you back. He tips your chin up and kisses you catching you off guard but you kiss him back letting his tongue enter your mouth. You put your hands in his hair, rubbing his scalp as you both kiss. You both need air so you both part your lips. You gasp for air.

"Zoro-san, you cunning bastard." You smile a little before departing down to the ships deck only to be greeted by Usopp and Sanji being told dinner is ready. You're really gonna miss these guys.   

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