Chapter 18

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   "I love you too Law-sama." you smile and you both kiss. Suddenly, Bepo interrupts you both.

"Um Captain, Eustass Kid is here..." Bepo reports a little worried. Law looks over at Bepo.

"What does he want?" Law growls.

"I'm sorry. I don't know captain. I'm sorry." Bepo apologizes and bows. Law sighs and pinches the ridge between his nose.

"Might as well go see what he wants. I'll be right back (Y/N)-ya." Law leaves to go talk to this Eustass Kidd guy. You didn't know who he was but you were surely interested to know. Law made his way outside to talk to the red-headed freak of a captain.

"What do you want Eustass-ya?" Law asks.

"Have you seen a chick around here Trafalgar?" Kid yells.

"Be specific Eustass-ya. There are women all over this town and to answer your question, no because I haven't even been off my submarine this morning." Law sighs. You peek your head out to see the red-headed male from earlier and you gasp and he notices you.

"Hey babes, I've been lookin everywhere for ya" Kid smirks and you shiver. Boy did he creep you out.

"I TOLD YOU ALREADY I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!" you shout at the red-headed male.

"You belong to me now babes" He smirks wider and you pull out your new knives and go to stab him with them. "Repel" your knives fly out of your hands and across the room, he pulls you close and you grit your teeth.

"Hey! Let me go jerk!" you squeal and struggle to get out of his arms. Kid just laughs than grabs your chin and kisses you. You try to push him away but he's too strong.

"Room" you heard an angry voice and you noticed you weren't being kissed anymore. You were being held bridal style by your boyfriend gritting his teeth at Kid. "What do you think your doing kissing my girlfriend Eustass-ya?" Law growls.

"Your girlfriend? What do you think your'e doing with my property!" Kid growls back. The two begin bickering over you and you start to get annoyed with it. You punch them both on the head.

"First of all! You both stop bickering over me! Second, I'm not your property you creep and Third I'm Law-sama's girlfriend and I'm not leaving him for a pervert like you!" you tell him off and slam the door shut in his face. Your stomach rumbles and you blush. Law chuckles. "I guess all that yelling made me hungry..." you blush in embarrassment.

You both head to the kitchen for something to eat but you don't know what you want. You asked the cook what he was making and luckily he said it was one of your favorite meals. Stupid Luffy got you addicted to meat so now you were hooked on it like him. You didn't tell Law because you know how he'd lecture you on how you have to eat healthy and blah blah blah. Well if it wasn't for Luffy and his crew feeding you junk food you wouldn't be so addicted to it now would you?

At dinner Law asked you to pass some chicken and well... lets just say he found out what the Straw Hats had done to you. As soon as he didn't get his chicken, he looked up to see the entire thing stuffed in your mouth and his jaw dropped.

"Ih sha Shraw Hash faw o-hay!" you tried to say with your mouth full of food. Shachi and Penguin burst out laughing.

"Hey Cap'n looks like your girlfriend learned a bit from the Straw Hats Captain!" Shachi laughed loud and Law glared at him than Shachi put his hsnd over his mouth and finished eating.

"(Y/N)-ya, after dinner you will receive punishment for not sharing any chicken, not having manners at the dinner table and not eating right. Shachi you will get punishment later as well for reasons you know well." Law said with an evil smirk towards you and once you saw that lustful look in his eyes you knew you were gonna be fucked. Literally.

Later that night you did your best to avoid the punishment Law was going to give you. You peeked around every corner of the submarine to make sure he was nowhere around and than you dashed into your room, slammed the door and leaned against it with your eyes closed trying to catch your breath. You open your eyes to see a half naked Law lying in your bed.

"EYAHHHHHH!!!!!!" you scream and run out of your room followed by your horny boyfriend. You wondered why he made everyone leave the sub and now you know why. With Law closing in on you, you quickly opened the submarine door, ran outside, and jumped into the sea where you knew he couldn't get you and you knew damn well he wouldn't come outside in his boxers... Well you were half right.


You were back inside the submarine, in Law's arms and you saw a smirk on his face.

"You can't escape your punishment (Y/N)-ya" Law whispered in your ear huskily, giving you goosebumps.  

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