Chapter 12

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  "....Put those sea prism stone handcuffs on that man.... than call your father..... tell him how you really feel..... he will understand as long as he knows I do.... I love you sweetheart....Oh.... and dont forget to ask him this...." You hear a faint recognize it as your mothers. and stare at her figure hugging you after whispering something into your ear than fading away. She looked like just how you remembered her. Purple-pinkish hair with long flowing pigtails, soft reddish-brown eyes. and a soft blue winter dress. You see the sea prism stone handcuffs she was talking about int the corner of the room and go put them on Doflamingo.

"Oi, (Y/N)-ya what are you doing." Law asks.

"Just making sure he can't escape..." you answer.

"Lets have a party now that (Y/N) is safe!" Luffy shouts and everyone else agrees.

While everyone was celebrating and having a party you head back into the submarine to change out of this stupid dress and just put on your casual black top and pink skirt and let your hair down than braided it a little. You decided you call your dad.

Buru buru buru buru buru, buru buru buru buru buru.

"Hello?" Akainu answers

"Hey Dad," you say.

"Princess! How was the wedding? Sorry I couldn't make it I was busy..." you cut him off.

"Dad, there was no wedding. Doflamingo has been defeated and is being sent back to Impel Down. He kinda well.... violated me...."

"THE BASTARD DID WHAT?!" Akainu yells into the snail. You explain everything to him and he listens.

"Dad can I ask you something about Mom?" you ask softly.

"Of course, princess what is it?"

"Well, did she have, you know like, powers, like could she see ghosts and stuff?" you ask. The snail stays silent for a few moments and than says.

"Yes, she did. Why do you ask?"

"Well, I think I have that power too because, I saw her Dad." you begin to tear up. "I saw Mom... and she hugged me and told me to talk to you and tell you how I really feel and..." he cuts you off.

"Wait. YOU SAW TIA?!" he shouts and you can see he's crying because of the reaction of the snail.

"Yes Dad! I saw her!"

"You have the same psychic ability your mother was born with (Y/N), you must of finally awakened it. Now what did she want you to tell me?"

"She wanted me to tell you the truth. Dad...... I'm a pirate and Trafalgar Law, the one you thought kidnapped me, he's my captain and the one who saved me at Sabaody 2 years ago..... and he's also..... my boyfriend......" you say calmly into the snail.

There was silence for about 5 minutes.

"Mom said she was okay with it... and..." you begin to say.

"As long as Tia says its ok and your happy and safe.... I'm ok with it...." He says.

Shocked and don't know what to say you tear up again.

"I love you dad!"

"I love you too princess, I have to go now I have work to get done. Call me anytime you need me."

You nod and hang up the transponder snail and wipe your tears and go back out to enjoy the party with the others just to be stopped by three figures, a small girl, a tall man with makeup and a handsome man with a hat and freckles.

The first one to speak was the handsome black haired one with a hat and freckles.

"Man, it seems Luffy's found a cute one. If I were still alive I'd take her myself." He says.

"Hey! Back off freckles! She's Zoro's! I mean she's not that pretty but she keeps him happy and trains him. She's not your brothers either!" Shouts the small black haired little girl. What a cocky little brat!

"She doesn't belong to either of them she belongs to Law." The tall blond says.

The three continue arguing and you finally intervene.

"Um hello? You know I can see you right and who are you?" you question them.

They freeze and look at you.

"How can she see us?" the little girl asks.

"I'm not sure but if she can see us we can tell her what we need to." The freckled one says.

Just who were they?  

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