Chapter 17

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  After the sight you just witnessed you accidentally bumped into Penguin and you landed right on your butt. You look up and see Penguin and he helps you up.

"Thanks Pengs." you smile and thank him and he nods with a bit of blush on his face.

"Sorry about walking in on you and Cap'n earlier." Penguin apologizes.

"Oh, nothing was going on." you giggle and he scratches his head.

"Oh, okay." Penguin says.

"So, what did you come in to say anyway?" you ask.

"We were arriving at another island." Penguin answers. "Do you plan on giving him his gift tonight?" he asks

"Yea, I wanna wait to see if he gets me something first so maybe tonight on the island I'll give it to him" you smile.

"I'm sure he'll like it. He is into that stuff anyway. He is a doctor after all so I'm positive he'd appreciate it." Penguin smiles and pats your back and you hug him. "Now if you excuse me Shachi dare me to go stick this slice of bread on his pillow." He walks off.

"Not the best idea Penguin, you might need my help so I can distract him haha." you laughed and he grabbed your wrist.

"PERFECT IDEA!" he smiled and you instantly regretted this but you knew this was going to be funny. Penguin pushed you in his room and luckily he was still in bed and he opened his eyes.

"Hey why'd you run off earlier?" he asked you and you walked towards him sitting on the other end of the bed and he turned his body to face you. You didn't wanna remember why you left.

"I.... had to use the bathroom." you lied and he raised an eyebrow and shrugged and Penguin sneakily crawled into the room and you knew you had to do something right then and there so Penguin didn't get caught. Law was about to turn his head when you grabbed his face and kissed him hard shocking both him and Penguin. Penguins jaw dropped but shrugged and he placed the bread right next to his pillow and he ran out of the room like a mad-man. You could finally let the kiss go. You seperated your lips from Laws and he pulled you close for another kiss but you backed away.

"Oh would you look at the time I need to get a shower." you raced out of the room before he could kiss you again and he was left there confused once more. He flipped his body back towards the door and his face on the other side of the pillow and his eyes met with his worst nightmare. He fell off his bed in fear and you and the boys heard a loud thump and a lot of banging from his room and you all burst out laughing. He heard the laughing and came out of his room in his boxers than looked at you all rolling on the floor laughing in tears. He growled.

"Who put this in my bed?!" he growls and everyone stops and points at you cause cause they don't wanna get hurt but you're pointing at Penguin and you see everyone pointing at you.


"You helped me do it..." Penguin grinned than realized what he had said than you both felt a cold glare from your Captain.

"Well, It was nice knowing you Penguin... bye!" You run off and out of the sub leaving your partner in crime to suffer. You ran through the town in your black tank top and grey jeans giggling knowing you had escaped the wrath of your captain. You knew he wouldn't hurt you he would've probably just done something to tease you instead which you were not ready for this morning.


You accidentally ran into someone once again. Ugh why are you so clumsy? You landed on your butt again and looked up at the red-headed male you ran into. He was quite handsome. Wait what were you thinking! You have Law! The man outstretched his hand towards you and you took his hand. He pulled you up to your feet and you blushed because you faceplanted into his well built chest.

"Oh um, thanks. I'm sorry I'm so clumsy I didn't mean to bump into you." you look at him with a blush.

"Nah, It's ok sweetheart." He smirks and grabs your ass making you jump.

"H-Hey! What do you think your..." you begin to say and he cuts you off.

"Don't think I didn't notice you checking me out sweetie." He whispered in your ear making you shiver. "Your pretty hot yourself. Say why don't you be with me love?" he offers with a smirk and you pull away and smack him.

"No way! I have a boyfriend thank you very much!" you tell him and walk off. He growls at this. He's never been rejected before and he sure didn't like it. You made your way back to the sub and saw Law waiting for you. "Law-sama.. your not gonna punish me too are you?" you blush looking down.

"I might as well since you helped Penguin pull that uneccesary prank, and left the ship (Y/N)-ya. But, lets exchange our gifts first." He says pulling out a black box and you open it seeing two daggers and you hug him.

"I LOVE THEM!" you jump in his arms and kiss him deeply. "Let me go grab yours!" you say with a smile and run towards the kitchen cabinet and grab the case and come back out and hand it to him. He unwraps it and his eyes go wide with shock. A bunch of new medical supplies. He looks at you and you blush like crazy. He smiles at sets it down and holds you close.

"I love it, but not as much as I love you." Law says with that god damn sexy smile and he plants a kiss on your cheek.  

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