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So, I'm a huge WWE fan and I've been a fan ever since I was a kid. I absolutely idolized the women like Lita, Victoria, Jazz, and Ivory. I'd go to pay-per views and scream and cheer any time Lita came out, once she saw me holding up a giant sign with pictures of her and the words 'One day, I'll be the next Lita' in the crowd and pointed at me before doing her infamous Lita-Sault. I passed out in the crowd, but today I'm standing backstage at Tuesday Night Smackdown dressed like my childhood hero for my mixed tag team match with Dean, "Come with me." A voice says as I snap out of my daydream and look up from my hands to see Dean smirking.

I smile and stand up, taking his hand as he leads me to a deserted corner backstage. He presses me up against the wall, holding my hips as his lips attack my neck, sucking and biting as quiet moans escape my red lips. I tug and grab fistfuls of his hair as he finds my sweet spot, attacking it with bites and rough kisses before he presses his lips against mine. I wrap my leg around his waist as he places his hands on my ass, "Dean.." I moan against his lips as he reaches for the waistband of my pants.

"Not now, we're about to go on." I breath out in between the rough kisses, "Princess, you know I can't wait that long." He growls and I shake my head. "Someone's horny, I said later Dean." I chuckle and place one final kiss on his lips before grabbing his hand and walking over to Nikki, Naomi, John, and Jimmy. "Someone's possessive." Nikki smirks and laughs as everyone stares at the giant hickeys on my neck, "Dean!" I gasp and slap his arm before he shrugs and I panic.

"Adriana, Dean, you're on!" A backstage person yells as I grab my belt and run towards the stage entrance, "Whose music?" Adam, the sound guy, asks as I point to Dean. "His." I say and clip the belt around my waist as he presses play on the iPad screen. Dean's music begins and we walk out, all bad ass and intimidating and ready to kick some Walmart Harley Quinn and soccer mom ass.

I throw my hands up in the air before turning to Dean and grabbing his hand, I place a quick peck on his lips as we walk towards the ring. I crack my neck and look around at the crowd as Dean climbs onto the canvas and holds the ropes open for me. I climb into the ring and unclip the belt, throwing my arms up in the arm showing the belt to the crowd.

Dean stands behind me and claps as I place the belt over my shoulder and step back to him, "I love you." I smile as he grabs my waist tightly. "I love you more." He smirks and kisses one of the hickeys on my neck, I suck in a quick breath of air as he lets go of me and cracks his knuckles.

AJ's music comes on and I stretch, cracking my neck before rolling my wrists a few times. He and Alexa walk out holding hands, a smirk on Alexa's face as someone unfamiliar to me walks out behind them. Dean quickly grabs me and places me behind him as Luke Harper's music begins to play and the arena goes completely black, "Babe." I whisper and grip his arms as he reaches behind me and wraps his hands around my back.

The lights in the arena come back on and Luke Harper stands in front of Dean with a microphone in his hands, Alexa and AJ no where to be seen. "Well, well, well. Look at this pretty lil thing you've got behind you Dean. My my." He growls and licks his lips as I gag and Dean bites his lip to keep from attacking him, "Huh, don't be frightened, Adriana, I ain't gonna hurt cha." He chuckles as Dean takes a step back with me.

Dean quickly snatches the microphone out of Luke's hand as I let go of Dean and grip my belt tightly, "You better back up before you get yourself into some serious trouble pal, this is my girl and I swear to god I'll beat you to a pulp if you so much as look at her." Dean growls and takes a step towards him, "Dean, babe please." I say and reach my hand out as the lights turn off again.

I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist and I let out a shrill, ear piercing scream as I'm lifted up off my feet. "Let me go! Dean! Help!" I scream as the lights come on, I turn my head as far as I can to see who picked me up off my feet. My jaw drops and I see Randy Orton holding me and Bray Wyatt beside him, "Put her down! You put her the hell down right now, do you understand!" Dean shouts as Randy laughs and holds me tighter.

"Sorry Dean, but your lovely possession, well we were thinking that she could be ours now. I know you are the love of her life, but this is a beauty much like that of.. Sister Abigail." Bray chuckles evilly and I reach my hand out for Dean as tears stream down my face and Randy grabs my hand.

"Bray, absolutely not! She's not your fake, and imaginary Sister Abigail or whatever the hell! She's Adriana, and she's mine, not yours!" Dean yells, his face becoming red with anger as Bray drops the mic and he and Luke attack him.

"No, please! Don't hurt him! I'll do anything, please please please don't hurt him!" I scream and flail around in Randy's arms as Luke picks up Dean for a powerbomb, "Addi don't! No!" Dean yells back before Bray waves off Luke and I'm dropped.

I land on my butt as Bray and Luke hover over me, Randy holding Dean down on the mat. "Anything huh? Well then, Mrs. Ambrose, you're ours now. Unless you wanna get your fiancé hurt, seriously hurt." Bray says and I nod slowly, "Can I have a final goodbye with him, please?" I whimper as he groans and nods. I shove them out of my way as I crawl over to Dean and Randy steps back, I put my hands under his back before sitting him up.

He slowly turns around to me as I place my hands on his cheeks, "Dean, I love you so so much. I promise we'll see each other again my love, goodbye." I cry as Dean stares at me in shock before squeezing me in a tight hug. I hug him back and keep my head close to his. "Times up." Bray says before Randy grabs me and picks me up and Luke grabs my title off the ground.

Randy grips my hand tightly as I turn back towards Dean, "I love you." I mouth and blow him a kiss before Randy yanks me forward and the 4 of us exit the ring. Leaving a crying and hurt Dean laying on the mat with his hands over his teary eyes, "Let's keep it going Adriana, he's useless." Luke growls as we walk up the ramp and backstage.

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