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"Introducing first, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She is the Smackdown women's champion and captain of the Smackdown women's team! Adriana!" The ring announcer announces as my music starts and I run out, staring at the Raw women in the ring before throwing both my arms up in the air as the crowd cheers. I smile at the crowd before unclipping the belt and holding it up high in the air, "Let's go!" I yell before walking down the ramp and stopping to hand my hat to a little girl wearing my shirt. "I wanna be like you one day! Thank you!" She smiles as I wink before walking down a little further and Becky's music starts.

I clap as the first member of my team runs down to me, then Alexa's music starts and she joins Becky and I. "How ya feelin' captain Ambrose?" Becky asks before slinging her arm around my shoulders and Naomi's music starts, "I'm feeling great, how about you?" I laugh slightly as Naomi dances down to us and Nikki's entrance starts. We watch the stage but she doesn't come out, "Come on Nikki." I whisper to myself as her music cuts and it goes to backstage video.

Nikki is sat on the ground, holding the back of her neck as Daniel and Nattie run up to her. "Nikki, are you okay? Our match is literally starting." Nattie asks worriedly as the three of us look at Alexa who holds her hands up in defense, "I can't clear her, I don't even know what happened." The doctor says as Nattie places her hand on her head. "How are we gonna fight, 4 on 5 it's not even fair." She says as I run my hand along the top of my head, "We are screwed." I say as Daniel tells Nattie to come out, "Whatcha gonna do without your key teammate Adriana?" Liv yells as I quickly spin around.

"Shut your mouth before I climb into that ring and do it myself!" I scream as Nattie comes out and Becky holds me back. "I'm gonna kill that bitch." I growl as my team follows me into the ring, I throw my jacket off and hand my belt to the referee. Mercedes stands in front of me as I laugh and shake my head, "Come on Liv! Are ya afraid to start this off with me?" I laugh as my team follows in laughter. "Lemme in Sash." Liv says as Mercedes throws her hands up and steps out of the ring.

Liv climbs in as I crack my neck and the bell rings, I waste no time and spear Liv. "Come on little Liv! Whatcha gonna do?" I scream as I punch and slap her face as she squeals and throws me off her, I whip my head around as my big curls fly around. "Get up!" I scream before picking her up and whipping her into the turnbuckle. I walk back slightly and blow a kiss before running towards her and throw my forearm into her face, my team cheers for me as I punch her in the face before she crumples to the mat.

I go to pin her, but someone grabs my foot from under me and I fall flat on my face. My nose connects with the mat hard as I hear a pop, "Shit." I whisper to myself as I check for blood. Thank god that there's no blood. Liv goes to pin me but I kick out and reverse the pin into my new submission that I call, 'Crucifixion', I grab both of her arms and wrap my arms around them tightly before flipping over her and bridging my back, pulling on her arms and placing pressure on her shoulder blades.

She screams out in pain as Charlotte gets into the ring and stomps on my stomach, breaking up the submission. I roll over and clutch my stomach as Charlotte tags herself in and goes after me, "You're not a champ! I'm the champ, I am the champion!" She screams in my face as I kick her in the ribs and manage to crawl over to Becky and tag her in.

It's gonna be one long match.

Later In The Match, Adriana and Becky vs Mercedes, Liv, and Charlotte

"Come on Becky, you got her!" I scream as Becky sets up Mercedes for the Bex-Ploder suplex, she throws her over her shoulder and pins her to eliminate her. I clap and cheer as Charlotte climbs into the ring, cracking her neck as Becky motions for her to come get some. "Surprise bitch." A shrill voice says from behind me as Liv grabs my foot and yanks me off the canvas. I land on the ring floor with a thud before arching my back before Liv picks me up and slams my back against the ring apron, "Whatcha gonna do now Adriana?" She laughs before slamming my back against the apron again.

"She's got a bad knee!" Charlotte yells from the ring as my eyes widen and I shake my head, dropping the act. "Liv please, please not my knee." I whisper out of character as she shrugs and pulls me over to the steel ring post, "Please Liv, please don't!" I scream as she picks up my leg. "Too late." She smiles evilly before slamming my exposed knee against the steel ring post, that's when it feels like everything is moving in slow motion.

My leg goes completely numb as I fall to the ground, I hit my head and face off the ring floor as my vision begins to turn blurry. I blink a few times as referees and Becky surround me, "Adriana? Came ya hear me?" Becky asks as I slightly nod. "Okay good, I'm gonna win this for ya okay?" She asks before Liv and I are eliminated via count out and Becky climbs into the ring with Charlotte, but right before the refs help me up Liv shoves then out of the way and continues to stomp and kick my knee.

I scream out in pain as tears escape my eyes, referees hold Liv back as medics help me up and carry me backstage. My head and knee are in so much pain, I think to myself as I cry and get carried up the ramp. That bitch is so gonna get it.

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