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Later that day Jahni woke up to and empty bed. Immediately she assumed the worse. Sliding out of bed she went for her suit case. She quickly changed and gathered her clothes and went for the bathroom. She fixed her hair and did her normal morning routine. She crept out and begun to pack up everything. Leaving every thing neatly like she found it she heard random barking which scared her. You would think she would have notice sooner that he had dogs.

"Oscar." Oli yelled calling his dog back while walking upstairs.

"Oh doll your awake I had to go pick up the dogs from the sitter."

"So I'm assuming this little one is Oscar." She per his head softly.

"And this one is Luna." Oli said as the white dog appeared.

"Well hello to you to." Jahni giggled while the dog jumped on her.

Pretty soon both dog ran off doing what ever they felt like doing.

"So how about brunch since we both missed out on breakfast." Oliver hint to there morning actions.

Jahni blushed while nodding and followed him to the kitchen.

"I don't exactly know your favorite food so..." Oliver trailed off.

"Pizza." Jahni put in.

"Vegan, vegatrain or meat eater." Oli asked pulling out ingredients.

"Vegatrain." Jahni shrugged.

Oliver nodded getting ready to make pizzas. Jahni being herself decided to play around a bit. Sneakily she had put cheese in his hair.

"Doll what are you doing?" Oliver laughed.

"Nothing." Jahni gave a mischievous smile and a little giggle.

"You sure baby doll because I have cheese falling from my hair." Oliver smirked.

"I wonder how it got there." Jahni turned away.

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