Revenge is a Dish Best Served in a Hoodie

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Olive quickly shoved the pizza in the oven and grabbed a handful of flour. Jahni who was sitting at the table noticed her powder shit hair.

"Oli did you put in flour in my hair?" Jahni touched her hair.

"No doll why would I do that?" Oli smirked.

"Well then okay I'm just going to wash my hair." Jahni winked.

She had every intention on getting back at Oliver. Small amounts of teasing has never did her any harm. Oliver quickly dismissed her while plopping on the couch with his dogs. Coming out she raided Oliver's closet and pulled out his zip up and put it on over her undergarments before heading to the lounge.

"Just in time doll face foods ready."Oliver stopped dead in his tracks.

"Cool thanks Oli." Jahni leaped up grabbing the good placing a soft peck on his cheek.

"Um yea welcome." He sat next to her on the couch.

"So tomorrow you should show me around England."Jahni crossed her legs.

"Oh um yea sure." Oliver eyes looked everywhere else but her.

"Oli you okay." Jahni moved her attention form the food in front of her to him.

"Um yea isn't that my sweater?" He quickly changed the topic.

"Yea it is actually." Jahni s attention focused on the screen.

"Ugh what are you doing to me?" Oli thought out loud.

"I'm not sure if that was ment for me to hear but I'm not doing any thing." Jahni laughed grabbing their plates and taking them back to the kitchen.

She want to make sure every thing was set for tomorrow considering it would be an eventful day.

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