A Day Out In London

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They walked around London seeing all the generic sites to. The London eye, the palace and so on. Oil was more worried about her smile than the actual place and his favorite places father off from the city. Oli zoned out while looking at the water near the Big Ben a.k.a the clock tower.

"Hate to drag to out of your day dream with history but so much waste was dumped here that they had to ban it because the stench and it being so close to parliament I wouldn't want to be that close if I were you." Jahni told a not listening Oliver.

"You know you use the most random facts to get some one's attention." Oliver laughed.

"So I've been told." Jahni giggled in return.

They head to one of the many cafes near by to stop for something warm to drink seeing as it cold.

"Two peppermint hot chocolates." Oli quickly asked for.

"So what now?" Jahni sipped her drink cautiously.

"You've seen the places every tourist goes now you get to see the places I always go then you get to get dressed up and go out with me." He explained the rest of their plans.

Jahni shrugged going along with him to the as he drove around showing her places and cracking jokes. She was in awe when it came to the immense beauty of every thing. Jahni was definitely one for aesthetically pleasing sights. She wanted more than any thing than to capture this moment forever.

Sneaking away while Oliver stared at the subverting on the horizon she grabbed a camera she had brought. Focusing the camera she snapped a photo of Oli looking out towards the stunning sun set. His shaggy hair blew in the cool yet gental breez.

"Well at least get one of you." Oliver popped up behind her.

"I have a better idea." Jahni said setting a timer on the camera.

She had Oli put it on top of the car and press the capture button.

"What are you doing?" Oli questioned.

"Shut up and kiss me." Jahni rushed him.

Quickly enough their lips met as the flash and camera sound went off. Breaking apart she went to see the photo.

"That's what I was doing." Jahni smiled slight looking in to his hazel eyes.

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