Scream, Crying, Perfect Storms

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Oliver stepped in the the house and glanced around. His hands tucked in his pocket with his head low.

"What do you want Oliver?" She crossed her arms.

"I'm sorry doll I don't know why I'd sleep with who ever that was but please just come back." Oliver eyes were glued to her.

"No you can't do that?" Jahni screamed her mixed emotions getting the best of her.

"Jahni please." He big stared back into her's.

"No Oli you can't just do that, you can't make me fall in love with you in less than a week, you can't just cheat on me and come back you can't just throw my emotions out of wack you can't just do that to me." She was furious not at him but her self.

She wanted everything to go back to normal. She wanted to ignored by every one and not wanting some there. She was tried of craving Oliver and feeling alone when he wasn't there. She hated the fact that she fell for some one, she hates being in love.

Austin woke up to the commotion but decided it was best if he stayed out of it.

Oli stayed quite, he was finally seeing all the cracks in the younger girl. All the issues she never let grace the surface.

"What do you love?" He egged her in just a little bit.

"You came into my and made me realize how fucking miserable I was alone and that I needed some that love was happiness I didn't want that I don't want to love you love is not made for people like me." Tears poured out dispute her effort to keep them at bay.

"Doll no one wants to be alone." Oli pulled her into a hug while she tried fighting her way out.

"No no no let me leave me alone I'm better off when I'm by my self." She sobbed giving up.

Once Oliver let go she ran there was still that feeling of reject and anger set in once again she mad but this at him.

Oliver knew better than to follow so he left locking the door behind him. He hoped she was alright and he would see her later.

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