I Fucked Up but Please

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Jahni sat awkwardly next to Oli on a plane. Subconsciously her hand went to his. She did miss the feeling of her hand in his. Matter of a fact she missed him. She missed her Oliver his stupid jokes, strong opinions and cute rambling. Most of all the way his arms fitted her perfectly. Pretty soon she dosed off her head falling on his muscular arm. He smiled remembering all the times she would fall asleep on him after saying over and over again. His heart cracked a little more remembering all the fun times they had. The cute text, the embarrassing face times, the adorable letter she wrote him. Oliver was in love with her and all her childishly sarcastic quirk ways. Not even bothering to wake her he easily lifted her body carrying her through the terminal. Matt was waiting for him as the other guys got things set up. Carefully placing her in the back seat with her head in his lap. His fingers combing through her as he looked down on her with adore filled eyes. The ruby engagement ring in his pocket. The feeling of was enough to burn a hole though him even if the metal was cool.

"Doll get up we're here." He said slightly shaking her.

Jahni got out and stretched. She looked back at Oliver and smiled. Everything felt right being there next to him no one could occupy her heart like he could. In a moment of emotions she lost it. Her arms latched on too Oliver squeezing tightly. More tears escaped out of both their eyes. They were hopelessly in love with each other. He took her face in her hands and kissed softly yet passionately.

"So you want me again?" Oli immediately asked.

"I never stopped." She smiled.

Going in the house they were greeted with Jahni's all time favorite love song Lego House by Ed Sheeran.

Oli took a deep breath preparing him self for what's to come.

"I fucked and destroyed every thing but the good time were great, the fun time was plentiful, the cute time went on forever but this I need you forever so please merry me?." His heart pounded in his chest.

Tears polled and poured down "yes yes holy shit yes." She said certain of her decision.

The ring was put on her finger.

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