6 - Guardian

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" Yup. Your guardian. " Changkyun said with a smile. He then offered a hand to Areum. She was shocked but she gladly took his hand. He then help her up. " Kamsahamnida. " She said softly. She then pulled her hand from his but he held it tighter." I'll send you home today. " He said. He then pulled her to beside him and they started walking, leaving the school.

Areum feeling something weird inside. She felt that she was so safe when she with him. A small smile then carved on her face and she held his hand tight. She then slowly rested her head on his shoulder. Changkyun was surprised by that, but he didn't stopped her.

" Urm which way to go to your house ? " He asked as they stopped at the junction. " Go right then walk along. You'll see the only black house there. " Areum said but like more to whisper. He didn't really hear her voice but he just nodded his head.

As they were crossing the road, he could feel her hand was shaking. He looked at her, her face was so pale and looks like she almost faint. " Areum, have you eat ? " He asked. She slowly shook her head. He then decided to bring her to nearby restaurant. She was refused at first. " Areum, I don't want you to be like this. You need to love yourself. " Changkyun said.

She looked down when he looked at her. " I-I don't know what mean life to me anymore.. " She stuttered. He then tilted her chin up and locked his eyes with hers. " Then I'll show you what life it is. " He smiled.

Areum POV

Every words he said, it give me a hope that I have lost it a long time ago. A hope that can change my life from cold and dark to warm and bright. It's giving me a life inside.

" You p-promise? " I asked. My eyes started to turn glass again." I promise. " He said with a smile and wiped my tears. " You have cried alot. After this, you will smiling and laughing all the time. I guarantee you. " He laughed. I let a small laughed and my lip form a smile.

Changkyun POV

Woah. She is smiling. My heartbeats stopped for awhile when she's smiling. She looks beyond beautiful than an angel. I wished I can stay here forever with her. But.. I know they won't let me.

" Hajja. We go find a place to eat. I'm kinda hungry too. " I quickly put on my happy face, didn't want her to be worried. She nodded with a smile and we started walking while holding hands.

After an hour, we finally found a restaurant. I chose a table beside the window as that place was more privacy. Then, a waiter came to us with menus. " Thank you. " I said and he left.Areum took the menu and started looking one by one at the foods they serve. It's cute to see her being so innocent like a kid.

" Do you want my help ? " I offered as she seems lost what to choose. She slowly nodded her head. I took her menu and started explain the foods even I were not really know about that foods. She then slowly getting closer to me while hearing my explaination. " So which one catch your eyes ? " I tilted my head to face her so did her. Our face were so close and I could feel her breath. My heartbeats suddenly beating faster than usual.

" I want that jajangmyeon and spicy tteokbokki. " Areum said and she went back to her seat. I was still froze here even she was not infront of my face anymore. " Changkyun? Are you okay? " She waved her hands. I then quickly came back to sense and looked to the menu.

" Waiter, order please. " I called and the waiter came. " I want two jajangmyeon, one spicy tteokbokki and oh.. what drinks do you want? " I looked at Areum. "Anything." She replied. Right. I only explain to her the foods.

" Give me two apple juices. That's all. " I ordered and the waiter nodded. The waiter took a quick glance on Areum before he went to the counter. Thank God Areum didn't noticed him or wait.. I shouldn't be jealous. I'm just her guardian.

" Changkyun? What's wrong? " Areum looked at me while tilting her head to right. " Ahh nothing. "

" hmm okay. " She said and looked outside the window. I were looking at her beautiful face suddenly I noticed a scar behind her right ear. It looks like the scar was still new because there's dried blood on the scar. " Did your family did that to you? " I asked.

She was surprised with the question, she quickly covered the scar with her hand. " Can we not talking about this right now ? " She said. Yes she's right. It's too open to talk about this. " Oh sorry. " I said. " It's okay. " She replied.

Then, the same waiter came with a tray full of foods and drinks. He was smiling at Areum while serving the foods. Areum awkwardly smiles back at him.

" Enjoy the foods. " The waiter said. " Kamsahamnida. " Areum said and he replied with a smile to her. The waiter noticed me staring at him, he smirked at me before went to other table. " Seriously... " I mumbled.

" Hey how to eat this? " Areum asked, looking at her bowl of jajangmyeon. " You just mix it until the black bean paste mixed evenly with the noodles. I'll show how. " I said. I took the chopsticks and mixing it. She nodded and started to mix her jajangmyeon too. " After you are satisfy with the mixed, you may enjoy it. " I added.

She then took a bite of the jajangmyeon. Her eyes were widen and looked at me. " Bwoya? " I asked. " It's so good.. " She commented and she started to eat the food happily. I couldn't help but smiling at her. She seems so happy with her food.

How in the earth her family abandoned her? Abused her. Treat her like a monster. I don't see why they must treat her like that. Should I ask her about that ?

" Here. Have some my spicy tteokbokki. It's too many for me to eat by myself. " Areum said. " Ah arrasso. Gomawo. " I smiled to her.  She nodded her head and continued eating her foods.

Or maybe later.

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