[two] Settle Down

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Adjusting to living with James was harder than I thought. He wasn't home a lot like he mentioned before he moved in. But this causes me to make me hesitant to even call this his home. It seems like the guy only needed a place to drop his belongings, and sometimes his dog.

It seems like his job is important since it looks like the only thing I have seen him do is working. There were a few things about his job that was just not adding up, like him bringing Ein to work fairly often. I couldn't possibly think of one company that would allow you to take your dog to the office, but then again maybe James has his own business. Then again, maybe I just needed to ask. But asking him anything wasn't the easiest task to complete. James being away every day, for long periods of time made getting to know the guy impossible.

I wasn't looking for a friend, I actually was just looking for someone to help pay the rent. But I don't think we exchanged more than 40 words since he's been here, and he has been here for over a week. James seemed fairly interesting, he was often up late, calling. I wasn't about to pry into his life, I respected privacy. But I was up late often, and even though our rooms were a decent way apart, I could still hear him.

Doing my job was easy with a roommate like James. Streaming went flawlessly because there was no one that could interrupt, or make additional noise. Which was like heaven to me. In addition to that, I could blast my own music while editing without anyone complaining. I had nothing to complain about with a roommate like James. I hadn't told James about my job because it just never came up in conversation. Because we didn't talk. I probably should mention it to him. To avoid any arguments or anything of the matter in the future.

James was an objectively clean person, at least in the common areas. He ate at work a lot, so there was never a mess in the kitchen, that was created by him. The other living areas were always cleaned up if he ever used them. The only thing I knew nothing about was his room, but for all I care it could be a pigsty in there. Living with Allison was a whole different story, I often found myself living in her mess, or cleaning it. So James was a nice surprise.

James had a lot of friends, as far as I could tell. The names he said a lot during his late night calls were always the same. It was either him yelling at a guy named Trevor, or Aleks. I assumed the yelling was in a jokingly matter, but I could be wrong. There was a guy named Jakob he talked to a lot just on the phone, probably someone that worked for him since he seemed to give him commands about something. Joe was casually mentioned a few times, just like the name Brett. I also heard him call another guy, named Seamus. He called him when he was in the living room, while I was in the kitchen. So I easily heard everything he said. He seemed to be checking up on the guy, something about his health.

He never spoke about them to me, which was understandable. I was intrigued though, it seems like he had a lot of close friends. His friend Aleks let him crash at his place before he found a decent appartment, and he helped him pack up.

Still being alone in the apartment, I decided to give Allison a call. I was supposed to call her somewhere this week, she wanted to meet up soon. I reached for the iPhone in the back pocket of my black jeans and unlocked it. I selected Allison from my contacts and pressed call.

While I held the phone to my ear waiting for Allison to pick it up, I heard the front door unlock. I quickly turned around to see James and another guy walking in. The particular guy was wearing a black hoodie, with some sort of cow and knives on it. He had dark brown hair and was pretty skinny. I quickly recognized it to be Aleks, the boy I met before when he helped James move in. I smiled and pointed at my phone, that was still calling. James nodded and smiled back and Aleks waved briefly. I walked out of the living room so I could have a proper conversation with Allison.

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