[three] Something real

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The weather today was quite nice, it wasn't extremely hot. It was a rather pleasant temperature, which made me motivated to get out of the house. The Colorado scenery was always a pleasant thing to look at and to explore even further. Living here the past 7 months have been an amazing experience, I never imagined I would enjoy Colorado as much as I do. Failing to make it work in Seattle used to seem like a downfall, not knowing where to go from there. Perhaps it wasn't the worst thing that could've happened, after all.

I stepped out of the silver colored Ford, which belonged to my uber driver. A nice lady in her late thirties, named Jenn. I thanked her for the ride and closed the car door. I quickly gave Jenn a 5-star review and put the phone back in my back pocket. I walked to the front door of the townhouse Allison and her boyfriend are residing in. I pressed the doorbell and waited for either of them to open the door. 

"Hi Robin, come on in" Patrick spoke and walked a few steps back so I could walk in. Patrick closed the door behind him and quickly went in for a hug. 

"Allison is really happy you are here, she has missed you." He stated, and I smiled lightly. This was the first time I visited the two of them, in their new shared house. I took a look around me, the house was decorated very nicely. It felt like a proper home, one that could be filled with kids one day. I walked behind Patrick, him leading me to the living room where Allison was sitting on the couch. I immediately smiled when I saw her beaming face, and she practically flew off the couch to hug me. 

"Robin I have missed you so much and I have very big news." She grinned while she slowly put a strand of hair behind her ear.

"No fucking way!" I exclaimed when I saw the big rock on her finger, her face told it all. "I know right?" 

"When did this happen? How did this happen?" 

"The other day when I came home from work late, there were rose petals and flowers everywhere. The house was filled with heart-shaped balloons, and there was a little pathway to the garden."

"Robin it was so romantic, he was standing there waiting for me. Our favorite song was playing and we danced in our garden, and he popped the question not much later."

I was at a loss for words, the evening sounded magical and exactly right for Allison.

"I am so extremely happy for you Allison."

"We have a wedding to plan Robin!"


I opened the front door to the apartment and was quickly greeted by the little corgi, who was wagging her little tail in excitement. 

"Hey Ein, I've missed you too."

I walked through the hallway, which was suddenly filled with boxes which weren't there when I left his morning. The boxes seemed to have shirts and hats in there. One box even seemed to contain weird cups. I realized it was probably Cowchop or James his merch, either way, it had nothing to do with me.

Quickly checking my phone I saw a text from Allison, thanking me for coming over and sending pictures of potential wedding dresses.

Walking towards the living area, I saw James sitting together with a man I hadn't seen before. This guy was muscular, his tank top highlighting the fact even more. The guy's face was framed by his great beard, and he looked up when he spotted me. James who had his back facing me, turned around to greet me.

"Hey Robin, this is Brett. He also works at Cowchop." I nodded and waved quickly.

"Hi, nice to meet you, Brett."

"Likewise," He said with a smile, and went back to the earlier conversation he had with James.

"So Nick's time with us is almost done, and Chad is also quitting because his family is moving" He stated and I heard James sigh. "That's two editors and camera guys gone." Brett nodded. "We also have to keep in mind that getting new editors will require new interviews, and us going through all the applications. And with all the RT-stuff we actually do not have the schedule to do these things." 

"I have to go meet with them in Austin pretty soon, that means I will be away for a few days so I won't have time to interview new people," Brett added

I walked over to the kitchen and opened the fridge to grab a bottle of water while listening to their conversation. They sounded like they had a pretty big problem. I sighed and walked towards them, taking a sip out of the bottle.

"How long will it take for you guys to interview and hire new people?" I asked them.

"Probably three to four weeks, with all the other stuff going on. Nick is leaving Thursday, he was only an intern. And Chad is leaving next week, because of the sudden move. Because I have to go to Austin we're also short a person, Aleks and James will have to record all of the content, and won't have time to hire people either."

"I can help out for three to four weeks, that's not too bad. Until you guys interview and hire new people that is. I have experience with editing and filming. If you guys want my help." I proposed to them, and Brett started smiling. He looked over at James, who was thinking it over. 

"What do you think James?" 

He shrugged and looked at me. "I mean, it's only for a month. If she's shit we'll just replace her." 

I laughed and rolled my eyes. "You guys are the one with a problem, I can just walk away and choose to not help you out." I winked at him.

"Alright, you're hired. Thanks, Robin. I'll give you the tour and everything tomorrow."

He extended his hand out to me, and I shook it. 

"Welcome to the CC hell." 

"It's only temporarily, James" 

"You don't know what you signed up for." 

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