Velvet and Coco (Rwby)

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Just a note, this is an imagine so it won't be in my normal format.

I'll also be writing them separately so I apologize for the people with fantasies of getting both of them at the same time. (I also feel wrong writing that).


-Velvet was extremely submissive

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-Velvet was extremely submissive. You were pretty submissive as well; however, not as much as Velvet. For example whenever you two slept together she'd always be the little spoon.

-You always complimented Velvet's australian accent. You thought it was rather cute, she's say otherwise though. You'd always ask for her to read you a book before bed despite being so old.

-She wouldn't initiate the lovey dovey things when you two were in public. you'd always be the one asking for the "embarrassing" things, like a kiss. But when you did she'd never reject you, unless it was to embarrassing.

-The only time Velvet would initiate things, was when you two were in private. Since you lived in a dorm alone, she'd always visit and pester you with kisses and meaningful cuddles

-Ever since you started dating Velvet, Cardin would be more passive. But he'd always find time to bully his old victim, but he'd never get away with it like before.

-Velvet wasn't one to flaunt of her relationship. She'd keep it subtle, however, she'd  always love to hold hands with you. Others would practically describe you as one entity.

-You two were always together, even before you two started to date. The only times you weren't together was during personal times, like going to the bathroom, or sleeping.  There was only time you were separated was during Thanksgiving and the holidays when you two went to visit your own respective families.

-Most people would be proud for not arguing with their significant other for a week. You haven't argued with Velvet for an entire year. The secret was just avoiding situations that would cause arguments.

-The last argument you had was about your overprotective habits. In the end she managed to convince you to trust her more, and that she loves you too much to cheat. Ever since you decided to let her be independent with the subject; besides, if she does cheat on you it's her loss. Right?

-Velvets favorite thing to do with you was too cuddle in private while watching videos on your scroll. She enjoyed your quirky side and ability to make a joke or pun with almost every subject.

-Velvet was still a virgin, as Velvet believed in sex after marriage. It didn't bother you as you preferred kisses over the act of disgustingly rubbing each others naked bodies together. Plus you knew you'd be the one to marry her in the end.

-Velvet's secret kink was gentle kisses along the body. Preferably from the lips to the collar bone.

-Every now and then Velvet would be self conscious about her apparent rabbit ears. She'd ask if her appearance bothered you. You'd always reassure her that she was the cutest thing you've ever seen. In the end she'd be confident for around three hours and then would need reassurance.


-Coco was a dominative girlfriend

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-Coco was a dominative girlfriend. That also means you are the little spoon, even if you were significantly taller than her.

-She'd drag you around, forcing you to carry her shopping bags. Most people think she's just using you but you say otherwise. In fact, you were the one using her. Without her, you were practically lost after being with her for almost four years.

-Since Coco loves fashion, she would never allow you too wear the cheap tacky clothing you used to wear. She'd make you fashionable but not to the point of discomfort.

-Coco loves boasting about your relationship. She'd go to the point of discomfort for the public. Every minute she'd kiss your cheek to show that you're indeed hers. She'd also always be holding your hand, no matter how sweaty it is.

-whenever you are together she'd remind you every hour or so that she loves you with everything she had. She'd remind you that your hair was so silly and smooth, and your skin was flawless; basically she'd go down to every last of your features and compliment them.

-Because of her onslaught of compliments you felt bad for not complimenting you. Since you were pretty shy about it you'd reply with a short yet passionate kiss. Although it would always end up with an array of long passionate kisses.

-Coco was one to believe in relationship tips on the internet. One time she read that starring into your significant others eyes for a minute would improve your relationship. Ever since that she'd force you to lovingly stare at her every night. If you fell asleep beforehand, she'd force you awake with pecks all around your face.

-Although most of the time you two were together, Coco believed that being together all the time was unhealthy. So everyday she had a rather unenjoyable rule to at least be away from me for three hours per day.

-Your sex life with Coco was pretty healthy. Depending on how both of you felt. You could do it from one to five times a month.

-Coco's kink was domination. She'd love it when she had control of things. She'd get annoyed when you suddenly started to act like the alpha male.

-Argument didn't exist in Coco's vocabulary. Every time it seemed tense, she'd just say to stop and take a small break from you.

-Every time you went shopping Coco would feel bad for not buying you anything. Therefore, it'd aways result in you tediously trying on outfit after outfit.

-Since Coco liked your outfits so much she'd always secretly steal them when you were still asleep. For some reason though she always got embarrassed when you caught her wearing them.


A/n: I'm gonna plan on doing Yang next part. Idk so... No promises. But I want to at least get everyone in Rwby and then move onto another fandom or something. Still no promises tho.

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