Emilia & Felt (Re: Zero)

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A/n: I apologize for not updating in literally 4 months or more, I've still been unmotivated to write and yeah...


-Before you started dating, Emilia would try and put your health above others

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-Before you started dating, Emilia would try and put your health above others. She'd also never let Ram or Rem treat you out of jealousy. If they beat her to you she'd shoo them away as kindly as possible and continue your treatment. To make it simple, it was kind of obvious that she liked you.

-When you first started dating Emilia would be extremely clingy. Not that it was a bad thing, it was actually quite cute. She'd always do everything with you, like bring you shopping or even to her businessy things. But overtime she knew you better than you knew yourself, she knew you needed breaks from her tangled schedule; so every now and then she'd distance herself.

-You were the type of couple to be next to each other all the time no matter what. Even when you were separated you'd be texting each other. Either way you were infatuated with each other.

-Emilia was surprisingly not that shy about admitting to being in a relationship with you. Of course she'd be timid and prefer not to talk about it, but that didn't mean she would deny being together with you.

-Emilia was self-conscious of her accidently flirting with other people. Nowadays kindness was often mistaken for flirting, so she'd try and conceal it. Little did she know that you really didn't mind.

-Emilia would often get caught up in her efforts to become "king". Sometimes she'd be so fixated on it she forgot about everyone else, including you. However, it was fine because Puck would always reassure you that she really did care about you no matter what.

-Emilia hated when you get jealous. She'd tell you to calm down and to trust her. You'd say you did but she'd never believe you and force you to stay in one room until you relax. She found it rude that you didn't trust her, plus she didn't have time for your jealousy. It just stressed her out.

-On a scale of 1 to 10, ten being the most protective; Emilia would be a 4. Emilia wasn't that overprotective mainly because she trusted you so much to the point of concern. However, if something did happen she'd step in and assert herself.

-Whenever you got overprotective Emilia would have Puck deal with it since she found your overprotective tendencies cute, and was too nice to tell you no. But in the end, like your jealousy,  she didn't have time for that either.

-Emilia was pretty quiet on her period. She actually didn't mind them since the only thing she found annoying was the constant trips to the bathroom.

-Whenever you were alone Emilia would be all over you. Not in a sexual way, She'd just love holding hands, hugging, or just simply intertwining pinkies.

-Emilia loved talking to Puck about how adorable you could be. She'd always talk about you around him and you could tell she was extremely prideful of your relationship.

-Overall you and Emilia were pretty compatible. Yeah you got into fights but no matter how serious you'd always recover within roughly 24 hours of the argument.


-Before you started dating Felt ignored you

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-Before you started dating Felt ignored you. She tried to distance herself due to trust issues. She liked you of course but Rom always told her that looks could be deceiving. 

-When you first started dating Felt would still distance herself from you. Eventually though, she'd learn to trust you, but somewhere still in the back of her mind she still doubts that you like her.

-You were the type of couple to be all secretive about your relationship. Felt absolutely hates it when people flaunt off their relationship; therefore, she didn't do it herself.

-Felt didn't care who knew and who didn't know you were in a relationship. She didn't go around announcing to the world but she'd tell someone at least once so that they wouldn't get any wrong ideas.

-Felt was self-conscious about her "job" and living in the slums. She didn't want to talk much it out of fear that it'll make you not like her as much.

-Felt didn't really get caught up in things. She'd always make time for you no matter what as she often had a limitless amount of free time.

-Felt hated it when you'd nag her about things, she'd tell you to stop and then distance herself until you calmed down. After a day or so you'd chase her down, if you didn't she'd never stop distancing herself.

-On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the most protective, Felt would be a surprising 1. Felt wouldn't care if you cheated, in fact she's pretty chill with open relationships; however, you didn't have a high opinion of people who cheated so you wouldn't do it yourself.

-Whenever you got overprotective Felt would slap you lightly and remind you that she was still in love with you.

-Felt got really annoyed while her period. Avoid saying anything rude and your fine though.

-Whenever you two were alone Felt would sit on the other side of the room and entertain herself. She's the type of person to merely enjoy you from a distance and not physically touch you in any way.

-Felt would love getting little presents from you. She also got really attached to them and used everything you got for her on a daily basis.

-Overall you and Felt were extremely compatible. It didn't always show because of how distant she is but it was pretty apparent when she was at least around you.


A/n: So... Idk what I'm doing next. I also might just throw away the updating every Saturday schedule. Also I'm probably lowkey gonna write mainly imagines because I like to write them more.

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