Weiss and Yang (Rwby)

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a/n: My bad for not updating in forever, I lowkey had this part written a long time ago I was just too lazy to spell check and revise it. 

Also, I'm gonna make these parts targeted for both girls and boys, so I won't specify pronouns. I'll just avoid using any pronouns tbh.

 I'll just avoid using any pronouns tbh

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-When Weiss first met you she seemed skeptical of you. She instantly was incredibly rude to you which sparked a chain of bickering whenever you two met. Eventually, Weiss came around after some talking to by her teammates and slowly she began to tolerate you.

-When you first started dating Weiss she was stern. She made sure you were always on task and honestly it was exhausting. She treated you more like a convenient busboy instead of her lover.

-After a month of dating, she grew more comfortable with your presence and calling you her boyfriend with pride. this meant slightly better treatment from her.

-Weiss is a dom but she could be a sub at times. She was almost always stern and straightforward, only when she was rendered powerless or proven wrong she would act ashamed.

-People would say that you only hooked up with Weiss for the money. Or that Weiss didn't deserve you because of the harsh treatment she displayed in public. What they didn't see was how much they underestimated how affectionate Weiss and you had in private.

-Weiss and you only argued about literally everything. Most of the time it was for fun, and none of it was taken to heart. It was just how you guys interacted.

-Weiss's parents didn't like you because you weren't privileged and offered no benefit to their family. They thought you were a mistake and Weiss should marry a more competent guy, instead of one that could make her happy.

-She was self-conscious of her scar over her eye. It's a constant reminder to her of her imperfections and whenever she thought about it she began to get more agitated than normal. you'd always help her, reminding her she's perfect the way she is.

-She often got caught up in wanting to please people. Nowadays rather than working to be perfect to please her family it's more of pleasing her team. She always made sure that she wasn't weighing them down, even for petty things like what she should get them for Christmas.

-While cuddling Weiss would be the little spoon. She adored the feeling of your arms covering her torso like a massive warm blanket.

-In public Weiss was afraid to show you off at the very least. She never let her guard down and thought showing you affection would bring down her image. 

-She hates when she notices you rushing the relationship. She likes to take things nice and slow, but you were different, so whenever you try and show affection she distances herself.

-On a scale of one to ten; ten being overprotective and one being not so much. Weiss would be a 100. Weiss is always insecure about you leaving her for someone who treats you better. She knows she can treat you so much better but she's afraid of coming off as too clingy and chase you away. Instead of confronting you about her jealousy she just treats you worse than normal. 

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