Leone & Seryu (Akame ga Kill)

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Requested by Frost101


-Leone was most definitely a dominative person

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-Leone was most definitely a dominative person. The problem was that she didn't mind when she was being a massive flirt and when she wasn't; although, she tried her best to contain herself around you.

-You'd always compliment Leone on her vibrant yellow hair and her smile that could be charged for murder. In fact, that's what Leone loved about you. You weren't in it for her body or sex, you genuinely liked Leone and that was that.

-Leone wouldn't tolerate you all the time. She needed space from you every now and then and you respected that. After all you felt the same. Too much of one person was tedious, if you had more of them you'd eventually grow sick and tired of them.

-Leone surprisingly never hooked up with a "nice guy". She liked feeling respected, if you made her constantly feel like absolute crap why would she even take time out of her day for you? Its pointless to her, no matter how much you liked her.

-Leone knew she led people on, it's the thing that you never really liked. You've brought this up once and she says she does it subconsciously sometimes.

-Leone knows you were quite jealous of Tatsumi. So she would avoid interaction with him whether you were in or not in the same room. You appreciated this and made sure she knew it.

-Leone was very considerate about your standards and you respected that. But every now and then you have a bad day and just want to get home and break those standards. It always annoys you that she sometimes rejects you under the thought of "corrupting" you.

-Your pet peeve is when she treats you like a kid. She feels the need to restrain herself and maintain your innocence. She's never dated anyone like you and she finds this style of dating significantly more flattering; therefore, she feels like if you lose your innocence it'll be like every other relationship that shes been in.

-every now and then Leone gets lazy and doesn't do her makeup. These are the days where she avoids you out of fear that you'll not like her as much this way. Little did she know you actually preferred her this way. She was cuter and it made you just wanna hug her.

-Leone often just puts her arm around you for no reason. It's become a habit now so you just play along and put your arm around her as well. She also just plops herself down where ever you are and occupies herself with whatevers around.

-Leone is still figuring out how to show affection without being provocative. She often needs help and so you initiate things even though you know shes sometimes perfectly capable of doing so.


-Seryu could be both either submissive or dominative

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-Seryu could be both either submissive or dominative. If she felt like you needed a lesson or two she'd be dominative; or if she felt like she just wanted to be loved she'd be submissive.

-Seryu would always make you go on her long walks to restore justice. She found it nice, it made you seem just as involved with solving the world's problems as her.

-Seryu was prideful of you as you maintained order as much as she did. When she was taking a break from everything it was your job to prevent little injustices from annoying her.

-Seryu is quite jealous of other girls possibly stealing you from her. She checks you're phone every now and then and she finds nothing which is a relief to her. She reminds you constantly if you ever cheat on her she'll personally rip you apart.

-Seryu was incredibly gentle with you at all times. She's always weighed down by the thought of hurting you in anyway. She knows your practically powerless against an imperial arms user so she restrains herself as much as possible whenever you two fight.

-Every now and then Seryu wants to paint your nails out of bordem. She usually paints your nails white and prevents you from removing it. This side of her surprises you. She's always had more of a boyish side but nevertheless you respect this side of her as well.

-Seryu is self-conscious of when she fights. She hates the ways her face bends and how out of hand she can get. She also knows you hate fighting so she avoids talking about the encounters she has with night raid.

-Seryu is also self-conscious about her body. Ever since she lost her forearms she has been avoiding any sexual tension with you. You try and reassure her at times but she still insists.

-Seryu spends a good amount of time with Koro so you tag along. You sense Koro doesn't necessarily favorite you out of the people Seryu has dated. So you avoid any contact with him and just sit in the side lines.

-Whenever you two get in a fight you often forget about her sensitive past and hit points that you should never hit. You feel undeniable guilt and try to make up with her but she just avoids you for a good day or two and slowly feels comfortable around you again.

-Seryu knew you were kinda weary of people who also try to make a move on her and she finds your jealousy pretty cute. Everytime she gets a jealous vibe from you she just wants to hug you and never let go.

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