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I am meeting my new brother's girlfriend today at her eighteenth birthday party. After getting dressed and when my makeup is done, I curl my hair.

I walk downstairs and see a girl with the same skin tone as me. She has dark brown hair. I smile shyly at her and I stand slightly behind Emmett, he is my favorite sibling because he is loud and funny, and he can protect a person.

"It's okay, Sophia." Emmett pulls me beside him. "Bella's harmless."

I nod shyly and I snuggle into him, still kind of scared of so much company. I am good with the family, I'm just not good with company. Jasper seems to feel the tension then Bella opens a present. She gets a paper cut and Jaspers eyes go black as Bella's blood hits the floor.

Vampires. Vampires adopted me. I hide behind Emmett, my vampire brother. He sighs and stands guard in front of me. Rosalie and Alice drag Jasper outside whole Carlisle tends to Bella's wounds.

"It's okay Sophia." Emmett says softly, turning to face me. "Jasper is outside."

"Explain the vampire thing to me." I blurt to Emmett. "You're my favorite, therefore, I'll listen more to you than anyone else."

Emmett sighs. "Alright, let's go upstairs, I'll explain to you."

We go upstairs to Emmett's room and he sits me on his bed.

"What do you eat?" I ask.

"Good first question." Emmett chuckles. "We are vegetarians, we feed off animals."

I nod. "Sleeping in coffins?"

Emmett booms in laughter. "Myth. We don't sleep at all." He chuckles. "Our skin sparkles in the sun, it hurts."

"I wanna see!" I exclaim.

I climb onto his back as told. He flies out of the window, earning a scream from me. I look back and see a laughing Rosalie. Emmett and I walk into the woods.

"Don't laugh." Emmett scolds at me before stepping under the burning sun.

His skin starts to sparkle like multiple diamonds.

"Come on, tinker bell." I smirk. "Let's head home."

He groans from behind me and follows me out of the woods. We enter the house and find a worried family. I blush as I climb the stairs, feeling them following me.

"You're not scared?" Carlisle asks.

I shake my head. "Nope."

"Would you be up to meet shape shifters tomorrow?" Bella asks when she enters the kitchen. "There is a pack in La Push."

I nod my head frantically. "Pick me up in the morning!"

Bella smiles and she nods. Edward escorts her outside.

"Come on, Tinker Bell!" I exclaim. "I wanna play tag outside."

The family laughs at the nickname I gave Emmett. Emmett and I walk outside.

"Let the games begin, princess." Emmett says with a smirk.

He's competitive? I think I'm gonna like this. He chased me around the yard and I hide behind Bella's truck and Emmett stops and he groans at my sneakiness. Edward laughs at us before he sends Bella on her way.

Oh no. I take off into the Josie, passing Esme and Carlisle on my way up the stairs. I lock myself in my bathroom and I laugh as Emmett beats on my door. Time for a shower.

I turn the water on and I hear Emmett sigh before walking away. I strip off my clothes and I step under the hot water. I wash my hair and body before getting out. I dry myself off before walking to my room. There stands Alice, with silk pajamas.

"Put these on, Esme has made you dinner." Alice chirps before laying the clothes down and leaving.

I slip the pajamas on and I walk downstairs. I sit beside Emmett and Esme puts a plate in front of me. I smile down at the food, she has made me garlic chicken. I take my first bite and the chicken practically melts in my mouth.

After eating, I go to my bathroom, brush my teeth, and I go back to my room. I climb into my bed. I close my eyes and I let sleep take over.

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