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It is now the day of Bella's graduation party. I am with Alice getting dressed in my room. The door is closed and locked. I stare at my fifteen year old body dressed in a dress appropriately for a twenty year old. Oh well, I am immortal now.

Emmett walks in when Alice leaves. "The pack is here, meaning your mate has arrived."

I smirk and I push past my brother. He chuckles at me as I walk down the stairs. Seth is standing with Paul Lahote and Jacob Black at the bottom of the stairs.

"Hi, boys." I greet.

Paul chokes on his alcoholic beverage when he sees my attire. Seth blushes at me as I wrap myself in his tan arms. Jacob smirks at us and he walks away to find Bella, to give her his graduation present. He made her a a bracelet with a wild charm.

Seth and I do to the second floor, then we walk onto the balcony. I sigh as Seth arms around me from behind me. I am in love with you, wolf boy.

"Seth." I say lightly. 

"What is it, sweet Sophia?" He asks.

"I'm in love with you, wolf boy." I whisper.

"I am in love with you, vampire girl." Seth smirks.

I snuggle with him until Bella stomps out onto the balcony. She notices my dress and starts calling me a whore and a slut. I scoff and Alice comes out, she begins to defend me.

"Isabella, I picked this ensemble out for Sophia." Alice scolds.

Bella huffs and she stomps away inside. Alice gives me an apologetical smile before she goes after Bella. Seth kisses my cheek before we are called down to the den. Seth and I hold hands as we take a seat on the love seat.

"Whats going on, Carlisle?" I ask.

Carlisle doesn't speak, he just turns it to the news. I cuddle against Seth's side until I hear something about a serial killer in Seattle.

"They are close." I comment.

"Someone has built an army of newborn vampires." Alice comments.

"Who are they after?" I ask.

"They were passing around a red blouse in my vision." Alice says softly.

"I know who they are after." Bella speaks up. "Me."

"How are newborns any different?" Jacob asks.

"They are a great deal stronger than us." Jasper replies, finally speaking up. "It will take more than us to defeat them."

I guess I really have no choice. I close them out by muting them, a power of mine. I can put people on mute so I cannot hear them. When I see Bella jump up and yell at Jacob, I unmute them.

"What did I miss?" I ask. "I used my power and muted you guys because I know I have no choice but to defend Bella."

Jasper chuckles. "The wolves have teamed with us."

"Seth will be on the mountain, with you, Edwards and Bella." Carlisle says.

I nod. "Alright. Is it the Volturi?"

"No." Alice replies. "They wouldn't go against their own laws."

"Victoria?" Bella asks.

"I would have seen her." Alice mumbles, obviously confused.

"Maybe she set someone up to do her dirty work." I suggest.

"Maybe, but a person can't be too sure." Alice says to me.

"When is this battle?" I ask.

"Next weekend. A week from today." Alice says.

"I will help everyone train." Jasper says. "I have experience with newborns."

Training starts tomorrow. Seth and I kiss each other goodnight before he leaves. I walk upstairs to my room and I lock myself in. I take a quick shower and I dry myself. I change into something more comfy and I sit at the desk.

I open my novel of the night and I begin to read the night away.

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