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First thing done is me dying my hair back to brown. I grab a rope and I walk onto the balcony. I tie one end to their railing, I tie the other to fit around my neck.

I pace up and down the stairs inside the house. I am crying. I cannot believe they betrayed me. I have had enough, I'm ready for this.

I sit on the rail and I or the rope around my neck. I close my eyes and I jump. My air is caught instantly

Seth's POV

I have a bad feeling. I am sitting at Sam's with a gut feeling something has happened. Is Sophia okay. Sophia!

"Sam, i gotta go check on Sophia." I demand. "Something happened, I have a gut feeling."

I run out of Sam's house and I phase in the woods. I pick my clothes up with my mouth and I take off running towards the Cullen's house. I remember they are gone, but Sophia still lives there.

I phase and dress right in the woods. I walk out and I see Sophia's lifeless body hanging from the balcony. I gotta call Emmett.

Emmett's Cullen's POV

"Hello, Seth." I grumble into the phone.

"Emmett!" Seth exclaims.

He seems scared, sad, and depressed. "What's going on Seth?"

"I had a bad feeling about Sophia," Seth begins. "I came to your place in Forks, she has hung herself. She is dead, hanging off the balcony."

I squeeze my phone hard enough for it to bust. Rosalie finds me in my state and she demands me to tell her what's going on. I tell her that Sophia is dead. Her eyes widen and she calls Carlisle right away.

Alice is already headed to Forks for Bella. Carlisle and Esme are on their way to pick Rosalie and I up to go to Sophia. I am pacing right now, Rosalie is packing our things. I cannot believe she has hung herself.


I see my best friend in the rope off the balcony. I rush up and I stop at the balcony railing. I pull her up quickly and I break the rope. I carry her to Carlisle's office and lay her down.

"She is dead, that's given." Carlisle mutters. "I can't smell her."

I sigh as Carlisle puts a needle of venom in her chest. He then bites her neck, both arms, down her legs, and her ankle. He demands Rosalie to change her; Alice has brought Bella to Italy.

I go up to my room to avoid the depression in that room. I close my door and I read a random hunting book, waiting for Sophia to wake up in a few days.

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