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Sophia's POV

I feel heat rush through my body and I hear the birds all the way from the forest. Aren't I supposed to be dead? Who saved me and how did they find out?

Curious, I snap my eyes open and I look around the room. My family, all but Edward, Alice, and Bella are all standing around staring at me. Emmett has just now walked in the room.

"How'd you guys find me?" I ask, my voice stronger.

"Seth found you." Emmett comments. "He called me."

I nod. "So, how am I not dead and I'm a casket by now?"

"Carlisle saved you, you're Seth's imprint, we couldn't let you die." Esme says in her usual motherly tone.

"I'm forever 15." I grumble.

Esme nods. "I approve of Seth."

I smile. "When can I go to La Push and visit?"

"I'll call Sam for permission for you to pass the treaty." Carlisle says.

I nod before he goes to make the phone call. I get off the table and I look on the fully body mirror behind Rosalie. I smile at my dress and boots, then I twirl around, getting a full look. I smile and I hug Rosalie, thanking her for the outfit.

"Alice, Bella, and Edward are on their way home." Carlisle says. "Sophia, Sam says you can come tomorrow morning."

I nod my head and I skip upstairs. I wonder when I get my dirt hunting experience. I guess now because my throat is burning bad in thirst.

Emmett, being the best friend he is, is the one who takes on training me, a newborn vampire. He says he will take good care of me. He is lucky I even trust him. I trust him a lot better than Jasper. He trained newborns to kill humans, not to hunt animals.

So, that explains to you why I trust Emmett a little more. I follow him outside, after changed into sweats and sneakers of course, and into the woods. He flashes through the trees, I flash right behind him. We stop in a clearing full of elk, bear, and deer.

"Your pick." Emmett says softly, watching me scan the choices.

"I'm gonna try a bear." I comment.

"My favorite." Emmett comments before chuckling.

I crouch down and I watch the bear lay down. I want the grizzly who is up running around. I'm up for a fight. Emmett smirks at my choice as he watches me jump onto her back. I sink my teeth in her and I have my very first meal as a vampire.

"Good choice." Emmett comments. "Let's get you home. You get to see the dogs tomorrow."

I chuckle and the comment he made on he pack as we head home. We enter the house and I hear a heartbeat and I smell human blood. I stiffen.

Emmett places his hand on my shoulder. "Come on, Sophia. You can do this."

"You sure?" I question.

"I'm positive, Sophia." Emmett says. "I have hope in you."

I smile briefly. "Thanks, Emmett."

Emmett wraps an arm around me as we walk up to the second floor. I keep my breath held and I am tense.

"I have hope in you too, Sophia." Jasper says. "You can do it."

I nod stiffly. I hope I can do this. Emmett pats my shoulder before he goes to hunt himself.  Bella eyes me warily. I flash and hide behind Jasper. Alice giggles and she smiles sadly at me.

"Jasper was the same way for the longest." Alice says. "Bella's birthday party was Jasper's first slip up since he started the animal diet."

I nod. "Can you guys help train me?"

Jasper is the first to say yes. He knows what I am going through at the moment. I sit beside Rosalie at the counter as she scowls at Bella.

"When's graduation?" I ask.

"Saturday." Bella replies.

I scowl. I see why Rosalie always gets angry with her being around. One, she reeks. I wanna kill her because her blood is so tempting.

"Her blood is tempting. I agree." Edward comments.

"Did I say that out loud?" I ask.

"No ." Edward replies. "I can read minds. Alice can see the future. Jasper can sense and manipulate emotions."

I huff in annoyance and I cross my arms. Bella scowls my way.

"Brat." Bella mutters.

Emmett and I growl at the comment. She flinches and tells Edward she will see us at the graduation party Alice is throwing. Great, more trouble.

I storm upstairs to my room and I lock myself in. I strip to my under garments and I open a random book on the Quiliette legends, Sam gave it to Sam to give to me. I read amongst the pages as I read about the treaty.  Apparently, I'm lucky to have gotten Sam's permission. That, and I am lucky I am Seth's imprint. A wolf's imprint cannot be harmed. Maybe he will be my mate.

I read for the night,  learning about my mate's tribe. I hope he is my name, at the least.

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