In addition to being a Hetalia nerd, I'm also part of the FNAF fandom. (I won't delete hate comments, so go ahead!) I've done a video as Veronica (Purple Girl) and I really want to do something for Scottie (my name for Phone Girl). Here's the ones I want to work on and what I want to do for them.
Veronica (Purple Girl): Work on her makeup, maybe actually put on foundation and attempt to perfect lipstick application
Try to project my voice when I'm using that creepy whisper voice.
Work on her snapping. (I see her as bipolar)
Be very careful when using the butter knife on my face.
Scottie (Phone Girl): Find a shirt that will look good with a tie.
Might use red lipstick and light brown eyeshadow.
Try to find an old fashioned phone. ☎
Jamie (Fem Jeremy): Work on stuttering without sounding like an idiot.
Maybe use Russia plushie. (Can't resist using the love of anime trait)
Use a light amount of a pink blush.
Maybe straighten hair.
Jeremy: Maybe straighten hair and his it under a hat.
Mostly follow the guidelines for Jamie.
Figure out how to make it seem like you have a crush. (My videos will probably follow my AU I use in my fanfic Cat The Survivor and the genderswapped version)
Fem Springtrap: Figure out how to make bunny ears and then age them.
Work on a possessed and non possessed personality.
Cat (My FNAF OC, real name is Cathy Ann Rogers): Learn about tools and wires.
Find a pink pixie cut wig for a good price.
Work on her trust issues and PTSD so you don't come across as offensive.
Admin's Book!
RandomI'm not sure if anyone's interested in reading this, but I'm making it anyways.