Wait...What? ~A Louis Tomlinson FanFiction~

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~Torie's POV~

I was sitting in front of the computer, staring at a blank document on Microsoft Word. I wasn't sure what to write. A Remus Lupin fanfic? Already have one. A Loki fanfic? Don't want to post it. Dr. Who fanfic? The Hermoine and The Doctor one has any existing fanfic beaten already, so no need to bother with that one.

I thought about writing a Louis Tomlinson fanfiction. The thought of his beautiful face caused my stomach to flutter. He was so amazing. I just wanted to be with him or even seeing him in concert with the rest of the boys would be amazing.

A wave of saddness crashed over me. I would never be able to see him in concert. The tickets were WAY too expensive, according to my dad.

I came so close to going to a concert when I heard that my best friend DaRae got four tickets to the New Orleans concert for Christmas. One for her, one for me, and the other two for our friends Maela and Destany. But sadly, her mom took my ticket before I admitted my love for One Direction.

It was okay, though. I was used to disappointment. Tobuscus went to Georgia, and I couldn't go because I live in Mississippi. The same thing happened when Amazing Phil was in Florida. I couldn't get tickets to vidcon and playlist live. Now, I couldn't go see One Direction.

My phone started to buzz, taking me out of my thoughts. DaRae was calling.

"Hello?" I answered.

She shrieked loudly into the phone. I quickly pulled the phone away from my ear to let her finish screaming. She was probably fangirling over Harry or something.

When the noise died down, I put it back up to my ear. "Okay, just calm down, DaRae."

"I can't! It's just so excited! Aren't you excited you get to go?"

Wait...What?" I asked, confused. Where was I going?

"You're going to the One Direction concert with me!"

I started screaming. "Oh my fucking god! Thank you so much!"

"Don't mention it. I convinced my mom when she was drunk to give up her ticket. Now, get all your stuff together, and I'll be down there in a little whle to take you to Destany's before my mom sobers up and changes her mind." She said, then hung up.

Tears of excitement poured out of my eyes. I was finally going to a concert and see Louis. Louis SexyAsFuck Tomlinson. I couldn't wait.


I grabbed a bunch of random clothes and stuffed them into a bag before running to meet DaRe at the car.

"Hey Torie," she said cooly, leaning against her car and smiling at me.

"I fucking love you," I said to her, pulling her into the biggest hug ever.

She laughed. "Love you too."

We got in the car and jammed out to One Direction all the way to Destany's house. When we pulled up, Maela and Destany ran out of the house to greet us.

Maela and Destany screamed at DaRae and me, and DaRae and I screamed back at them. Then, we ran into one collective group hug as we continued to shriek.

"WE'RE GOING TO GO SEE ONE DIRECTION!!" We screamed in unison at the top of our lungs. Collective fangirling was the best.

We took our little reunion inside to continue fangirling. It was so much fun too fangirl together. We never had any clashes because we each liked a different boy. Maela was a Niall Girl, Destany was a Liam Girl, and DaRae was a Harry Girl. We even agreed that Zerrie was the best ship.

The only hard part about fangirling over Louis was dating Eleanor. Destany understood how much it hurt me because Liam was dating Sophia.

All night, we planned out our outfits and what we would do if we actually got to date our favorite boy.

"It would be perfect!" DaRae exclaimed. "And we would have beautiful children with curly hair and dimples!"

"I would do ANYTHING to be with Niall!" Maela shouted.

We laughed.

"Calm down, Maela. You can have Niall when I have Liam." Destany told her as she did the 'diss' motion with her hand.

"And when I DaRae gets Harry," I added.

DaRae did a hairflip and laughed at herself. "What about you? You will have Louis!"

I shrugged. The truth was, I didn't think I would be with Louis. He was happy with Eleanor, and I was..well...ME.

"The sooner we get to bed, the sooner I get to see my baby!" Maela threw her hands out, motioning to the Niall poster.

"Then I guess it's bedtime," I said.

We all found our places to on the bed. Destany snatched the pillow from underneath Maela's head before get comfortable.

We said our collective goodnights.

I didn't fall aleep right away. There were so many emotions going on in my head. I was excited about the concert yet nervous that I would be near the boys and disappointed that we wouldn't get to meet the boys. Not that it would change anything. afterall, my life wasn't some fairytale where verything that happened had a happy ending.

Sighing sightly, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.









Because Torie was so amazing and wrote Making HaRae Happen, I decided I had to return the favor and write a Lorie story. Hahah, see what I did there ;D? Sorry, that was almost as bad as a Harry joke.. Anyway, I just hope it meets her expectations. Please vote and comment to tell me what you think! Bye Lovelys!

-DaRae(: xx

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