Chapter Fourteen

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~Louis' POV~

So when I told Torie I had everything for our date planned, I lied. Hey can you blame me? I wanted to pretend thst I was calm, cool, and under control. But the truth is, I was so nervous. I wanted to impress her so badly.

So badly, in fact, that I had to go to go to the very last place I would ever go to for advice on how to impress a girl.

I knocked on the door. After a few moments of no one answering, I opened the door.

Harry had DaRae half-naked and pinned against the wall. "Hey, Harry. I need your help."

"Huh?" Harry turned around quickly, letting DaRae fall to the floor.

"Hey!" She said, getting up off the ground.

"I'll get back to you in a second babe. This will only take a moment," he reassured her.

DaRae shrugged and grabbed Harry's shirt off the floor and slipped it over her head.

"I can't believe I'm saying this Harry, but I need your help, " I admitted in defeat, looking down at the ground.

"With what?" he asked confused.

"I don't know what to do for Torie's first date. I wanted to sit at the hotel room and watch scary movies, but I didn't know if she would like those."

"Go get her some coffee?" Harry suggtested.

I groaned, putting my head down. So much for go to Harry for advice.

"Actually, Harry isn't too far off." DaRae interjected. "Go buy her some tea. Then, go buy the movie rental place and get Peter Pan--the animated version and the one with the real people in it because she hasn't seen the second one. And maybe add a little Louis touch."

"Sounds good. Anything else?"

"Yeah. Have fun. Don't be nervous. She really likes you." DaRae added with a smile.

I grinned. "Thank you."

"You're so amazing," Harry said, moving closer to her.

"Not as amazing as you," she moved in closer to him. Then the two of them flew to each other like magnets.

"OKAY, so I'm going to leave. Harry you need to get ready for the show."

Again, Harry dropped DaRae. "Oh yeah, right."


At the concert, all I could do was watch Torie. She was so beautiful. I couldn't wait to impress her on our date tonight.

"Ummm Louis?" Liam said to me.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You have to sing," Niall instructed.

I shrugged. "Sorry love, but I don't really care."

The crowd burst into laughter.

"You were suppose to sing that line Louis," Zayn said through laughter.

I shrugged again and looked at Torie, giving her a wink.


~Destany's POV~


After the concert, Liam and I went on a date. We did the whole 'dinner at a fancy restaurant and moonlight walk on the beach' thing. My favorite part of the whole night was after we got back to the hotel. Liam and I had both had maybe a little too much wine.

Wait...What? ~A Louis Tomlinson FanFiction~Where stories live. Discover now