Chapter Six

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~Niall's POV~

Paul had pre-planned the hotel rooms, and we each decided to stay with whom we were paired with. Louis helped Torie with her ankle, Liam chilled with his new pal Destany, Harry and DaRae flirted like some cliche' love-at-first-sight fanfiction..not that I ready those or anything.

At least I got to take care of Maela. I actually liked reteaching her about the wonderful experiences known as food.

The fact that she was really pretty was a plus, too.

"I'm Niall by the way," I told her. It was nice to have a girl who didn't know I was famous.

"Maela. Or that is at least what everyone keeps calling me," she giggled and found her way into a bed.

i laughed. 'Well it's nice to meet you." I turned to my bag to get some pajamas for Maela to borrow.

When I turned back around, she was already fast asleep. I smiled. She was actually kinda cute when she slept.

"Goodnight, Maela." I whispered to her before turning of the light and climbing into bed myself.


~Liam's POV~

I got to room with my new pal Destany. This was going to be fun. She was so confident around me which only made me more comfortable around her. We laughed at all the same things. She even made me miss a text from Sophia because I was so caught up in our conversation.

Sophia...shit...I almost forgot about her. This isn't much of a surprise to me though. We've been going through a rough patch lately, so it doesn't really have anything to do with my meeting Destany.

"Aye yo Payne!" she announced coming out of the bathroom from her shower. She was wearing my pajamas. The pants were extremely long on her. I laughed.

"What's so funny?" She asked, putting her hands on her hips.

"You're just so short," I laughed.

She made a face at me, making me laugh harder.

"It's kinda cute, though." I added.

"Yeah well," then she did a hairflip, and smiled showing off the cutest dimple I had ever seeen.

"So which bed do you want?" I ask her.

She hopped into a random bed. "I mean, we can share this one if he really want this one."

I laughed. Her non-subtle flirts were also cute.

"Tempting, but I think I'm just going to stick with this one," I patted the unoccupied bed.

She frowned, but she just shrugged it off and snuggled into bed.

I chuckled a little. "Goodnight Destany."

"Night Paynster."


~Harry's POV~

I was really happy that I got to room with DaRae. She was so adorable. This probably sounds cliche', but when I was helping her put on the bandages, I think we had a connection. Then when we asked the same question at the same time, I knew there was a connection.

I looked over at her as she sat on the bed in my pajamas. I laughed a little to myself. She was still wearing her flower crown.

"I like the flower crown by the way," I said to her with a smile.

"I like yours too," she giggled, pointing to the top of my head.

I took my hand to my curls and felt my flower crown that was still resting on my head. I laughed a little. We even just had a flower crown moment. It's got to be true love if there are flower crowns involved, right?

"I'm going to bed now. Goodnight Harry!" She smiled at me before climbing underneath the covers.

"Goodnight DaRae," I tried to give her my most charming smile, but she was already asleep. I frowned before turning of the light.


~Louis' POV~

After getting to our room, I help Bad Ankle to our room. I was secretly glad I got to room with her. she was definitely a pretty girl, but I was worried what Eleanor would think. would she be angry that I was helping this girl?

"I'm Torie, by the way." She said, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"I don't have to introduce myself because you already know who I am," I replied with a shrug. I thought about the way I said it. It came out a tad bit rude. I looked at her face to see if she was offended in anyway.

She didn't seem phased at all. "True." she shrugged.

Huh. Odd. Most girls would be offended if i wasn't all 'Hi! I'm Louis from the band you just saw in concert!' I already knew there was something different about her that I liked.

"Does your ankle feel any better?" I ask her.

She stands on it and walks around a bit. "It doesn't hurt as much, and the swelling has gone down."

"Excellent!" I replied loudly, clapping my hands together.

She laughed a little. "Well, I'm about to get in the shower." she stated.

"Wait," I stopped her. i went over to my suitcase and got an extra set of pajamas. "These are for you." I bowed to her and held out the pajamas to her.

She giggled. "Thanks." She took the clothes and stepped into the bathroom.

So far, so good. Not TOO much flirting. Eleanor would be okay with that, right?

After she got out of the shower, it was my turn. I liked taking a shower at the end of the day. It was a good way to unwind after a long day. I even sang a little.

When I got out, Torie ws smiling a little at me.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Your singing." she pointed out.

I shrugged. "I tend to do that."

She laughed a little then rested her head on a pillow. "Goodnight Louis."

"Goodnight Torie. Sweet Dreams."













Sorry that this chapter kinda sucks. But are you excited to find out what happens? Will Maela EVER get her memory back? Remember to vote and comment!! Bye Lovelys!

-DaRae(: xx

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