Chapter Seven

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~Torie's POV~

Louis held my hand and led me into a room. Once we were inside, he closed the door and turned backed to me with a michevious grin.

"Finally," I said, wrapping my arms around his neck.

He put his hands on my waist and pulled me in closer. "Now, to say goodbye the right way."

He pressed his lips to mine. Our lips moved perfectly in sync.

Suddenly, the door popped open, and Zayn stood in the doorway.

"Do you mind, Zayn? We were kind of in the middle of something." Louis said sassily.

I giggled to myself. I loved his sass.

"Niall! Wait!" I heard Maela call from outside the door.

"No Maela! I'm done!" Niall cried back.

"You might want to get in here," Zayn persisted.

Louis rolled his eyes."Alright. Come on, Torie."

He took my hand and led me through the door.


"TORIE!" DaRae and Harry shouted.


Before I can even register what is going on, the two of the of jump up and down on thed bed repeatedly, trying to wake me up.

I shot straight up, shaking the eerie feeling the dream left behind. "I'm awake."

"Good because Perrie is bringing us shopping!" DaRae announced.

"Wait! What am I going to wear?" I ask her.

She shrugs. "I guess just rewear what you wore yesterday. Lou drove Destany's car here last night. Luckily, I brought a change of clothes."

She turned back to Harry who had hopped off the bed. He took her hand and helped her off the bed. When I noticed what they were wearing, I thought I was going to be sick. DaRae was wearing her galaxy leggings, and Harry was wearing a galaxy beanie.

He cupped her face and brought her in for a kiss. Yep. I was going to hurl. HaRae was too much to handle.

They walked away, hand-in-hand of course. But i guess I couldn't find them COMPLETELY repulsive. If I could have Louis right now, I would definitely take advantage of it.

Speaking of Louis, where was he? I looked next to me to find that his bed was left a mess, and he was nowhere to be seen.

I climbed out of bed and got dressed then made my way to the door. I peered into the hallway. I saw the adorable (and by adorable I mean disgusting) HaRae. DaRae had her back against the wall, and Harry was leaning over her with his arms on either side. She was laughing at something he said, and he was smiling at her. They started closing in the space between them.

I turned away before I could see them kiss. Bleh. HaRae PDA was definitely NOT my fave.

Shaking the sickingly sweet image out of my head, I turned the other way to see Destany and Liam headed to a room. Looked promising. Anything was better than being stuck with HaRae.

I hurried off to catch up with them.

"Hey guys!" I greeted.

"Hey Torie can you PLEASE tell Liam he's wrong?" Destany said, motioning towards Liam.

"No, YOU are the one who's wrong!" liam said back to her.

"About what?" I asked, confused.

"That other than Batman, DC superheros suck! Marvel is so much better!" She explained to me while yelling at Liam all at the same time.

"Whatever," he said, doing the 'talk to the hand' motion that Destany does.

"Don't you use that on me, Payne!" She glared at him.

I rolled my eyes. Great. Another pair. Well, at least Deam wasn't anywhere NEAR as bad as HaRae.

We walked to a room where we found everyone except for Harry and DaRae. There was even a beautiful blonde girl sitting next to Zayn.

She saw me and smiled. "Hi! I'm Perrie!"

"Torie," I greeted.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Louis sitting on the bed. He looked kind of upset. Torie to the rescue. Jumping at the opportunity, I made my way over to him.

"Hey," I said, taking a seat next to him.

"Hey Torie." he was staring at his phone, probably waiting for a text or call.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

He looked at me with those perfect blue eyes, and I thought my heart was going to explode. ASDFGHJKL. CALM DOWN TORIE.

"Eleanor and I are kind of in a rough patch. we haven't talked much lately, and we rarely see each other. We spend so much time apart. The worst part is, we are okay with it."

YES! Maybe Elounor would end so Lorie could start. Wait, Torie. You're talking to Louis. Act like you aren't excited about his bad relationship. "Awe. I'm sorry," I said, making my face drop. Thank god for theatre class.

"It's alright. Not your fault." He replied. He continued to look at his phone. I thought the conversation was done, so I got up to find someone else to talk to. Just as I stood, he grabbed my hand.

"Wait," he said to me.

My heart sped. Was this a marriage proposal? Was I ready for such a commited relationship? Would he accept me in my career choice of becoming a writer? Did he like fanfiction? Would it be weird to write one about us?

"Thanks for listening. That made me feel better. Letting it out, you know?" He smiled a little. It was no marriage proposal, but it was good enough.

"Welcome," I replied, smiling back.

"Okay! Torie! Destany!" Perrie said, clapping her hands together. "Find DaRae, and let's get going!"

"Bye!" Maela waved to us before getting back to her 'first' breakfast.

I shyly waved bye to Louis. "Bye."

"Bye Torie."


~Louis' POV~

Wow. Calm down Louis. You're with Eleanor, remember?

I stared down at my hand. I hand felt..sparks..when I held Torie's hand that I had never felt with Eleanor.

But what did this mean?

Was it love?

Impossible. I just met her.

AND I was with Eleanor.

still, I could shake the feeling that there was something there. I just hadn't figured out what it was yet.

















Hey guys! Soooo Lorie. I like it. Much better than HaRae, right? Deam and Naela are pretty okay too. hahah. jk. They're perf. Anyway, I hope you guys liked it! Vote and comment please!

-DaRae(: xx

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