Chapter Eleven

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~Torie's POV~

"What country are you from?" Destany asked Maela.

"Ireland," Maela responded automtically.

"No," DaRae replied, shaking her head. "Niall is from ireland. You're from America. Mississippi in fact."

"But Niall said ireland is the best country in the world. Why would I want to be from anywhere else?" Maela said.

Destany, DaRae and I groaned. It was so hard trying to teach Maela. We all knew she needed to see a doctor, but the boys really didn't want to see us leave. Frankly, none of us wanted to leave either.

"Is there anything you DO know?" Destany groaned to Maela.

"I know that Torie and Louis are going on a date today." She said matter-of-factly.

"Looks like you do know something," i said with a laugh.

Maela smiled, satisified that she actually knew something for once.

"Where is he taking you?" DaRae asked.

I shrugged. "No idea."

"Kinky," Destany winked.

"I hope so," I admitted. I mean, he's Louis. He was definitely an attractive guy. I just see him in that denim jacket and beanie, and I just...


My thoughts were interrupted when the 'Midnight Memories' album was put on full blast.

"Tell me you're not stupid enough to forget this?" Destany said, standing by the stereo.

"This is mine and Niall's favorite album!" Maela shrieked as she started to dance.

We followed her lead and started to dance around. I was getting into my dancing, jumping, and twirling when suddenly I felt a pair of hands grab my hands and spin my inward.

"Hello," Louis grinned.

"Hi," I giggled, staring into his beautiful blue eyes.

"You girls start getting ready. We'll be heading out on this group date later." He winked at me before releasing me from his grasp.

god, this boy would be the death of me.


"Okay! We are here!" Louis said, taking the blindfold off. I look and see a giant ferris wheel and a few more rides.

"A carnival. Nice touch," I say smoothly to him.

"I try," he shrugged.

I giggled.

"So where to first?" Louis asked, motioning around us at all the bells and whistles.

"Well no Tunnel Of love ride because we knock HaRae already has that preoccupied." I stated. Louis and I shuddered and walked passed.

"Let's start with the basics." He led me over to the cotton candy stand. "One please."

I went to get a few dollars out of my pocket but Louis shook his head, stopping my hand with his.

"I got it," he said, paying the man and getting the cotton candy. "For you."

"We can at least share." I pinched off a piece of cotton candy. "For you."

He laughed and took the piece off of my fingers. "Open up."

"No. You eat it."

"No, I insist."


"Torie." He held to my lips.

I finally gave in and ate the pink fluff off of his fingers. Hey. If I had to let him pay for something I was going to eat all by myself, I was going to at least try to enjoy it. "There. Are you happy?"

He smiled. "Yes."


After we finished feeding each other the cotton candy, we decided to walk around and look at the booths. Each booth had the basic prizes of stuffed bears or goldfish. I saw out of the corner of my eye a booth that was selling jewelry. Odd. Not a normal thing to see at a carnival.

Curious, I pulled Louis over to it. "Come on!"

There was a lady with blue hair and hipster glasses. "Hi! What can I do for you?"

"We're just looking," I informed her.

I looked around at the tables at the various pieces of jewelry. I came across a necklace with a fox on it!

"Look at it!" I pointed eagerly at the table.

"Do you want it?" Louis asked.

I shrugged. "I love foxes. But let's keep looking first."

I scanned the rest of the tables, looking for something that could possibly be better than the fox necklace.

"What about this one?" Louis asked tapping my shoulder.

I turned to see him holding a necklace that had a little goldfish inside of a plastic bag on the end of it. It was unique. Just my style.

"I love it!"

"Good because I just bought it for you."

I giggled. "Aw. well aren't you sweet."

"I try." he shrugged. "Now turn around so I can put it on you."

I turned around, pulling my hair out of the way as he put the hooked the necklace. I turned back around to face him. We locked eyes, and we started to lean in, getting closer with each second.


The bell on a nearby game went off, making us jump apart.

"Come on. Let's keep going," Louis took my hand and led me away.


~Louis' POV~

Being on this date with Torie was the best date I had ever had. It had been so long since I had gone on a date.

Torie even got on the rides with me. Eleanor never got on the rides.

We were now riding the ferris wheel. You know, an old rickety one that basically had a bench for you to sit on and one measily bar to hold you in.

When we stopped at the top, the seat rocked vigorously. Torie grabbed hold of me tightly.

I laughed. "Don't worry. I got you."

She looked up at me, and I smiled. I pushed her hair out of her face and leaned in close.

Before our lips could tocuh, my phone buzzed. I sighed and pulled my phone out of my jacket pocket.

"Hold on."

Incoming call from Eleanor

I declined the phone call and shut off my phone. "There. No more distractions."

I took Torie's face gently in my hands and placed my lips on hers.

















Hey guys! So it's late, and I'm tired. There are probs a jillion errors. Oh well. Night Lovelys!

-DaRae(: xx

Wait...What? ~A Louis Tomlinson FanFiction~Where stories live. Discover now