Jewel X Cole (Let's Make A Cake!)

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((This is for a good friend of mine, ninja-forever! Here ya go!))

"Guys, I'm bored!" Jewel sighed, sitting on the couch. Clara, who sat next to her, nodding her head, saying, "Ditto. We need to DO something!"

Cole sat on the other side of Jewel, asking, "But what? Kai, Jay, Zane, Lloyd, Nya, and Clara's children are getting a Christmas tree! The Sensei's and Misako are at a tea shop, and were stuck here looking after 2 trouble makers!"

Dylan and Zoey played with Legos (XD) on the floor. Dylan glared at Cole, commenting, "I'm telling you! Brad and Gene ate your cake, Cole!"

Cole rolled his eyes, explaining again, "We caught you two on camera with my cake!"

Clara giggled, smirking as she asked, "So, how about Dylan and Zoey make up for it?"

Zoey and Dylan looked up towards their adoptive mother, confused.

"Let's make a cake!" Clara declared, smiling.

Cole raised an eyebrow, as Jewel said, "But you have no idea how to work a OVEN, more or less a blender!"

Clara shrugged, trying to say as if it didn't bother her, "Hey, when your being chased by the most evilest villian Ninjago has ever faced, who so happens to be your father, you don't have time to learn how to make a cake! Besides, I have you 4! Come on!"

Clara grabbed Jewel by the arm and led her to the kitchen. Cole laughed and followed the 2 girls, leading Dylan and Zoey into the kitchen as well.

Jewel blushed when Cole got pushed over to her, as Zoey whispered, "My ship is sailing!" 😍

Clara laughed and went to the cabinet, freezing up when she reached for the handle.

Jewel noticed Clara's hesitation and asked, walking over to her, "Are you ok, Clara?" Clara slowly looked towards Jewel, her eyes misting with tears. "I..." Clara covered her eyes with her face....crying?!?

Jewel pulled Clara into a hug, motioning for Cole, Zoey and Dylan to make a group hug. They immediately hugged Jewel and a crying Clara. Jewel handed Clara a tissue, who took it gratefully.

"R-Remember the time I told you about my many adopted parents? Especially about the couple who found me as a baby?"

Jewel nodded her head.

"We...Mom and I....we're going to make a cake for my dad, for his birthday...b-but...."

"The Serpenthood found your family." Jewel sadly guessed.

Clara nodded, using her sleeve to wipe the tears away. Cole suggested, "How about you watch us and Jewel, Zoey, Dylan, and I make the cake?"

Clara nodded again, sitting down on a stool at the kitchen island.

As the group made the double chocolate cake, Zoey put on Christmas songs. That got Clara to calm down enough to help out occasionally, laughing when Dylan spilt the flour on himself!

When the cake was finally made, the 4 sat around the pile of mess on the kitchen block and ate. "Hm, this isn't half as bad as I thought it would be." Clara complemented, giggling when she saw Zoey had chocolate all over and around her mouth!

Cole nodded his head, eating the entire cake, minus the 4 slices Clara, Jewel, Zoey and Dylan managed to grab before Cole faceplated his face into the cake! "This cake is the best!"

"It's because Jewel helped us!" Dylan smiled, as Zoey giggled.

Jewel raised an eyebrow, asking, "Why are you giggling, Zoey....?"

"There's a small plant above your heads, Jewel? Cole?" Clara seemed confused....

....she had never seen mistletoe before.

Jewel and Cole's faces put Kai's Ninja gi and Santa Claus outfit to shame! They madly looked at each other, before looking away.

"Just kiss!" Zoey declared, giggling.

Cole gently turned Jewels face to look at him, smiling. Jewel blushed, but smiled back...

"Why do they need to....? O gosh!" Clara covered her eyes, as Zoey and Dylan smiled at the 2 lovers.

That was a cake to remember!

((Here ya go! You said random, so I added silly, heartache and romance all in one! I hope you like! 😊))

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