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TheFlash832, I choice you!!!! XD lol, kidding!

For those who don't know, I've recently created a Pokemon fanfiction book. In it, Hope Ketchum hopes to become a Pokemon Guardian, a person who protects Pokemon and humans alike from evil villains....Or the occasional jerk who thinks it would be cool to beat up a Mimikyu or something.

I'm trying to figure out who should have what Pokemon, so I'm gonna need your help! That's right, I need you to help me decide which Pokemon should each character have! And I wanna add a few more characters to her group. I'll mention who they are.

If there are any Pokemon you would think are good for a particular character, or think a Pokemon sorted into one characters ideas should go in another characters ideas, then lemme know!

Here goes nothing!

A) Hope Ketchum
Specializes in : most Pokemon.
Pokemon she has : Pikachu, Eevee, Mimikyu, Emolga, Minicinno, and Fenniken.
Pokemon ideas for her :
1) Mewtwo (later on in the series)
2) Noctowl
3) Ralts
4) Herdier
5) Joltik

B) Colin Ketchum
Specializes in : most Pokemon, like his sister, Hope.
Pokemon he has : Growlithe, Squirtle, Bulbasaur and Piplup.
Pokemon ideas for him:
2) Gible (or) Garchomp
3) Glaceon (or another evolution form of Eevee)

C) Steven Empire
Specializes in : Rock and Earth Pokemon
Pokemon he has : Gengar, Onix, Geodude, Rockruff, Cubone, Glaceon, Raichu
Pokemon ideas for him :
1) Farfetch'd (cause Steven wants to be a great cook)
2) Cranidos
3) Virizion
4) Mudsdale
Note : he rescued a few of his non Rock and Earth Pokemon from Pokemon abusers.

D) Julie Rocket (idk Jessie and James last names, so......)
Specializes in : most Pokemon (Cat Pokemon, I guess?)
Pokemon she has : Skitty.............. No you see why she needs more Pokemon. XD
Pokemon ideas for her :
1) Butterfree
2) Vulpix (Ice?)
3) Persian
4) Meowth (not team Rocket's Meowth!)
5) Ponyta (wanna add this one to Julie's team)
6) Togekiss
7) Furfrou
8) Meowstic
9) Xerneas
10) Komala

E) Punkalina Ketchum
Specializes in : Dark, Ghost and Poison Pokemon (or anything dangerous)
Pokemon she has : Eevee..................Again, she needs Pokemon.
Pokemon ideas for her :
1) Rattata
2) Arbok (wanna add to her team)
3) Haunter
4) Mr. Mime
5) Umbreon (Eevee evolves into this?)
6) Murkrow
7) Misdreavus
8) Poochyena
9) Sableye
10) Stunky
11) Spiritomb
12) Skorupi
13) Froslass
14) Garbador
15) Chandelure (wanna add to her team)
16) phantump
17) noivern

F) Sara Sycamore
Specializes in : Water and Grass Pokemon
Pokemon she has : ...........................None. Had a Squirtle, but gave it to Electro Jones. (Not my OC; belongs to TheFlash832!)
Pokemon ideas for her:
1) Psyduck (maybe/wanna add to her team; depends if Andy has a Psyduck)
2) Venusaur
3) Horsea (wanna add to her team)
4) Starmie
5) Suicune
6) Mudkip (wanna add to her team)
7) Torterra (wanna add to her team)
8) Mantyke (wanna add to her team)
9) leafeon
10) samurott
11) lilligant
12) maractus
13) tirtouga
14) sawsbuck
15) Chespin
16) lurantis

G) Andy (NEW OC!!!): His dad is a professor who lives by the sea; likes surfing; is paralyzed from the waist down due to a accident (need help deciding what happened to cause him to become paralyzed)
Specializes in : Water Pokemon
Pokemon he has : ..............None.
Pokemon ideas for him (thinking of powerful water types, but any water type will do):
1) Gyarados
2) Lapras
3) Blastoise
4) Vaporeon
5) Wailord
6) Milotic
7) Kyogre
8) Samurott
9) Psyduck (could you imagine?! Andy has all of these powerful water pokemon....Then theirs Psyduck, holding his head. XD)
10) Any water Pokemon that I failed to mention.

H) Esther (NEW OC!!!!!!); 10 year old who speaks her mind, isn't afraid of many things, and likes cute and weird Pokemon.
Specializes in : most Pokemon, but likes cute or weird Pokemon
Pokemon she has : ..............................None.
Pokemon ideas for her :
1) Shaymin (wanna add to her team)
2) Pichu (wanna add to her team)
3) Togepi (wanna add to her team)
4) Charmander (wanna add to her team)
5) Munchlax (wanna add to her team)
6) Jigglypuff
7) Furret
8) teddiursa
9) Zigzagoon
10) turtwig (wanna add to her team)
11) chimchar
12) pachirisu
13) buneary
14) rowlet
15) dedenne
16) Sylveon
17) amaura
18) tyrunt
19) pancham (wanna add to her team)
20) litleo
21) deerling (wanna add to her team)
22) vanillite
23) trubbish (or) Garbodar
24) whimsicott
25) Audino (could be Sara's formal Pokemon, if Sara didn't keep it)
26) lillipup (wanna add to team)
27) oshawott
28) tepig (wanna add to her team; bacon jokes!)
29) riolu
30) Gible (wanna add to team)
31) stufful (or) Bewear (maybe how Andy is paralyzed from the waist down?)

I) Gabriel "Gabe" Oak, Gary Oaks son
Specializes in : most Pokemon
Pokemon he has : .......................None.
Pokemon ideas for him :
1).................Idk, were gonna have to work on this oc. XD

That's basically it! Thanks for being patient and for not giving up on me!

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