Chapter 10

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Bruno's POV;

I woke up from the sound of the call bell. I figured Jessica is beside me placing her hand around my body. I turned to look at her and she is also awake. We exchanged stares and then I heard a loud knock from the front door.

"Bruno? please open the door"

"Evelyn" I muttered under my breath. I looked at the clock and it's nearly 2am. What is she doing here?

I got up from my bed but Jessica grabbed my hand and told me.

"I'll get it" then she got up and went downstairs.

After a while I heard nothing from downstairs. I can't just wait here so I followed Jessica and as soon as I reached downstairs, I heard Jessica closed back the front door.

"There's no one. I think she is already gone." She told me while yawning.

"Let's get back to bed" she went up to my room.

I stood there for a while, strange, after that I went back to my room.

"Why was she here?" I thought to myself, didn't want to sleep anymore.

"Did she come here to apologize me? Or she came here to say she loves me?" These thoughts are being piled up in my head.

"Whatever Bruno she did use you and broke your heart. You shouldn't get back to her. She is nothing but a complete bitch." The other side of my mind keeps telling me this but this doesn't convince enough to me.

Maybe I should get a sleep. Then I forced myself to sleep.

Jessica's POV;

I opened the door and saw Evelyn ran back to her car.
"Well then." I closed back the door but I still didn't hear the car engine thinking she would pulled off her car.

I looked through the window and I saw her putting a letter into the mailbox. And then she drove off.

I quickly got outside and took the letter tugging inside my jacket. I slowly closed the door behind me and found Bruno looking at me.

"There's no one. I think she's already gone." I told him yawning.

"Let's get back to bed" I told him and walking up to Bruno's room.

What am I doing? Should I show Bruno the letter?

"No. Don't Jessica. This is the only chance you can be together with him again." I thought to myself.

I feel bad for Evelyn though......

After a couple minutes of fighting my internal minds, I decided not to give the letter to Bruno and I fell asleep.

I will wait.... (Bruno Mars Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now