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Evelyn's POV;

"Hey Eve hurry up if you don't want to be late!"
I heard Sally from downstairs. When did she arrive btw?

"I'm up here!" I yelled back at her.

"I don't know what I'm going to wear." I told her as she entered the room.

"Let me see. Where's the black dress with the laces and sexy out track one?" She asked me looking through my wardrobe.

"Ugh what? Sexy? No no it's just a date! Now I'm not wearing that!" I blurted out. It's just a normal date right? It's not like I'm going to have sex with this guy, well I wonder who is he.

"Are you sure? c'mon try it. You'll look good in that one" Sally pulled out the dress and acted like she was wearing it and walked in front of me swaying her body.

"Hahahaha Sally you're funny!" I laughed at her.

"Btw what's his name again?" I asked her while changing my clothes.

"Chris." She answered me back.

"Well nice name! I bet he's handsome?" I mumbled the last part.

"You'll know when you see him. He's a doctor!" Sally squealed.

After about 30 minutes,

"Okay. You need to go now. Here's the direction of the restaurant." Sally told me handing me a piece of paper.

"I thought he'll pick me up?" I confused.

"Hey it's a blind date! He doesn't know you either. So you don't expect him to pick you up." Sally said.

Well that's kind of make sense. But Bruno did picked me up and all. Ugh you need to forget about him Evelyn. At least not now.

At the restaurant;

Once I entered the restaurant, I felt like wow! That is such a nice place. I mean it's high class restaurant. It has a small bar counter and even a band stage performance.

"Welcome to our restaurant, have you had booked?" I jumped a bit since I was mesmerized by the views and didn't notice the waiter come up to me.

"Uhh booked for Mr.Edwin? I phrased out trying to remember the name.

Sally told me his name is Chris Edwin.

"Oh of course yes. Mr.Edwin. He's already here. Follow me this way." The waiter showed me the way and I followed him.

After passing a few tables, the waiter motioned me to a table which is near corner of the glass window panel. A nice place! I thought to myself. I walked to table and there's a man nervously waiting for me. I smiled to him and he promptly stand up and drew the chair for me to sit. What a gentleman.

"Hi you must be Mr. Edwin?" I asked him unsurely.

"Yes. You are Ms.Gonzales, right?" He smiled at me, well that's a cute smile.

"You can call me Evelyn" I introduced him.

"Then call me Chris, Evelyn" he answered trying to fake my voice.

He's such an outgoing guy, I guess.

"You're funny!" I told him.

"Oh yeah. I am quite coz I'm a pediatrician?" he told me.

"Oh I guess you love babies since you're a baby doctor."

"Not quite. I tell you what, sometimes I kind of want to punch them." He told me sternly, looking serious so I thought he wasn't lying so my smiles faded and then he bursted out laughing.

"Hahaha do you think it's real?" He joked me. Damn! why am I that stupid? I smiled to my dumpy self.

"Ugh you're funny" I made a face to him.

"Well let's order now, I haven't eat anything the whole day" He told me while looking through the menu.

This guy is seriously? I mean how can he lives without eating the whole day?

"You're thinking how I live without eating the whole day right? Haha just wonder how coz you won't never know." He joked me again.

Dammit Evelyn you can't pretend or think a single thing in front him. I told to myself and grabbing the menu in front of me.

"I heard you're an photographer?" He asked me.

"Yeah. I like to click the button. 'Click clack' " I pretended like I was holding a camera.

The date was going very well. I think I'm starting to like him. He's smart, funny and handsome of course.


"So" he spoke out while walking me to my door.

"So" I traced his sentence.

"When can I meet you again?" He asked me, nervously waiting for my answer.

"Sometime?" I answered.

"How about next Friday?" He asked. I can feel his blues eyes searching into my eyes.

"Sure!" I smiled to him.

He let out a chuckle obviously amused at my answer and then his face become serious and his eyes met mine.


He slowly came up to me and his eyes shifted to my lips. He slowly make his way to my lips.

A sudden movement inside my head. I know I really want to feel his lips on mine. But a part of me is telling me that I'm not ready.

I closed my eyes slowly and gave myself in. It's only a few inches left between us and i can feel his breathing fast upon me.

I suddenly jerked back and facing down.

Ahem! I swallowed and clear my throat breaking the awkward silent between us.

"Chris, we need to talk. Would you like to come inside?" I asked him.

"Okay." He answered giving me a half smile but in approval.

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