Chapter 2

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Vixen's P.O.V

Where am I? All I can see is darkness. Suddenly a light is shown, I reach my hand up to touch it but when I did it turned into a blood-red colour. I flinched away as I saw a familiar mans face develop. It was the man in red.

He smirked as he reached his hand out to grab me but he suddenly hissed and backed away into the red, the red turning into darkness once again. It then felt like a weight was pushed of my shoulders, then I knew it was just a dream and woke up.


My eyes snapped open as I shot up and looked around. I was in a dark room with a few lit candles, a nice, elegant bed was under me as I felt the fabric next to me.

'Where am I?'

'Your safe and far from the pathetic humans'

I flinched once I heard a voice speak to me, inside my fucking head. I breathed in shakily and asked:

'Who are you? What do you want from me?'

I heard a deep chuckle run through my head once I asked the questions I really wanted to ask since, well, everything happened!

'My name is Alucard. And the answer to your other question is...'

I suddenly felt two, strong and long arms wrap around my waist. I squeaked but a gloved hand quickly went over my mouth. I felt hot breath over my ear as a pair of lips touched my ear. I could feel him smirk as licked my ear lobe and heard me squeak out from under his gloved hand with his abnormal hearing. He then started to touch the places he... Wanted?

'I want your body...'

He stroked my hip with his other hand as his arm was still around my waist.

'Mind and soul...'

He moved his lips to my head, on the very top. I felt him kiss me as I try to squirm out of his grip but it only tightened.

'But the most important of all...'

He started purr as he turned me around so he can see my face as I saw his. The candles illuminated off of him giving him this mysterious glow, the light framing his face as well as the shadows. He started to lean forward.

'I want your heart'

I gasped as I felt him press a kiss against my where my heart was. He slowly leaned back with a purr and smile that looked like he just woke up from a good dream. His eyes softened and he looked like he was at peace.

I stopped struggling and just stared at him as he closed his eyes and tilted his head up. Slowly I, finally, got my hand out and gently put it on his face. He just opened his eyes and tilted his head back down with a warm smile. Suddenly it was wiped from his face and a scowl took place as he started to growl. He finally spoke with his lips and voice:

"Stay here, I will be right back. I have just got something to deal with", Alucard stood up and walked to a wall and... Just walked right through?! What da fuck?!

Alucard's P.O.V

What did my master want now? I was having a peaceful moment with my beloved and all of a sudden my master just interrupts! The nerve...

I snapped back into reality as I finally appears at her door but instead of opening it I, of course, walk through it. I put on my usual smirk and bowed as I stepped through.

There sat my master smoking her cigar. She puffed a bit more before holding it between her index finger and middle finger. She reached towards her drawers and pulled out a newspaper. She thrusts it at me and it lands on my chest, I grab it before it can fall. I look at her with a raised eyebrow and she twitches in anger.

"Read. The. First. Paragraph"

The headline said 'The Daughter of Mr and Mrs Bloodfall Missing". I read the paragraph below it.

'A 16 year old girl has gone missing. Some say she ran away and others say she was kidnapped. Mrs Bloodfall said:

"I was on my way to pick her up after her soccer practise as she had no ride. It was late at night and I agreed to pick her up since I was worried. She only just moved out with her friends so I didn't know she would be this late. Once I got to the park she wasn't there and the only thing that was there was her old soccer ball. Oh my god! I just want to find my baby!"

We do not guarantee she will be alive but we still have our hope. Anyone who finds her get 1,000,000 cash. The help would be much appreciated.'

I froze. My master knew what was going on. I looked up to her as her eyes glowed in anger.

"You have her, don't you? Don't lie. I know you do. Hand her back over, that's an order!", my master yelled out in anger as she stood up and slammed her hands on her desk. "I will not put an innocent in danger, especially someone who is only young and still in High School!"

I clenched my fists as my seals glow a deeper shade of red, showing my defiance.

"I'm afraid I will have to disobey that order, master"

"What. Did. You. Just. Say?"

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