3. Mayor's Queries

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If the citizens of Nime were asked about their biggest source of entertainment they would adhere to a single statement, 'Shanaya's Beverage Centre is the best source to pass the free time and for refreshment. It is also a place where news is transpired and found its way for discussion.'

But those days death in the villa of Halls was much prevalent. Inspector Lee Cook, a muscular dark tone man, was handling the case of Elizabeth sat there helping himself with whisky. Suddenly he heard a deep but known voice, 'Inspector cook, how are you doing?' As he turned there stood the celebrity of city- Mayor Sharon Fadrick. Inspector stood and both of them shook their hands.

Inspector began, 'I wasn't expecting you here, Mayor, especially on the day when somebody has died in your neighbouring villa. Mayor began with the explanation, 'What to say, Inspector? Addiction after a stage breaks the confine boundaries of socialism and ethics. Whether the day is full of sorrows or happiness, it doesn't know how to distinguish within the both. As you are here after a hard day, I am too.' Mr. Cook asked, 'You should be with Halls. Both of you are very close, in-fact much more than any relatives.' Mr. Fadrick said, 'Thank you, Inspector,' after which he turned towards a pleasing lady standing nearby their table and said, 'Just a beer today, Miss Shanaya.' She nodded and provided the mayor with same within a few minutes.

Mayor breathed and began in a low but pitched voice, 'Another reason I am here is you, Inspector. Mr. Hall is not only a decent neighbor but a perfect dad also. He is not ready to accept that her daughter has committed suicide. After all the times he drizzled his life on his family. He can't expect this in return after fulfilling a relation of love and care. How are you taking this case- a suicide or something else?'

Inspector Cook hawked, 'If someone else were in your place I haven't fulfilled any queries out of my duty time. I am not able to understand whether it is a question or you are just doing a duty of being a neighbor.' He was scrutinizing mayor's expressions for a while which were showing a quite entropy and different colours. Maybe he wasn't able to digest his insult after being in power but he digested. He treated the question in a tranquil way, 'You know my relations with Halls, don't you? Moreover it would be better if I myself handle the judiciary and inspection things and let Halls come out through their grief and misery.'

'I can't say anything till the postmortem reports are on my desk. Well, they will be by tomorrow and we will return the dead body by tomorrow morning.' Mayor nodded and asked, 'Did you get any lead from her room?' Inspector replied, 'It is the judiciary to whom I have to handle the reports, Mayor. I can't reveal it even to the president if they ask me for the same.'

Mayor gave the explanation, 'It is not the mayor in me who is asking this. Elizabeth used to play in my lawn when she was merely of four. Who knew that those small feet would have turned to take such a wrong step which can't be taken back? Oh Divine!'

Mr. Cook asked the mayor, 'Do you think it is a suicide case?' 'Each person possesses his/her personal life. Some problems are bounded to the walls of home itself. But it doesn't mean we should fix the temporary problems permanently,' replied Mr. Fadrick.

Inspector Cook murmured and his voice wasn't audible to mayor all due to the noise there, 'There is much diplomacy in your statements, Mr. Fadrick.'

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