10. Inspector Lee Cook

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As soon as the door bell rang, Mrs. Dora opened the door as she was standing near the main door. Her vision was obscured by the blue colour. She was grabbed tightly by someone. She spoke, 'Lee! It is not a time for your brotherly hug. A friendly figure of Inspector Cook became vivid as they moved apart and he spoke, 'Oh my dearest sister! I knew you are upset as you lost a case for the first time in your life.'

'Thanks for your relieving visit bro!' exclaimed Mrs. Dora. 'You are coming in, aren't you?' He nodded.

As they settled themselves in the drawing-room, he asked, 'So, how is Millie?'

'I was thinking she would be here within a moment after listening to my voice.'

She groaned, 'Huh! She isn't well.'

'Ill, is she?' said he as he wished to confirm.

She replied, 'Not ill. She is much upset about David. She has merely sorted her priorities in case of her affection. No zeal in her is left.'

He said, 'Hmm! Mayor has taken permission from me to organise a party tonight. I hope it was merely due to Elizabeth's judiciary case. Even I am invited. Maybe they wished to show my down-fall as they snatched the case from my hands.'

She asked, 'Why did you give permission for the same then?'

He didn't wish to reply as he was having other important stuffs to talk about, 'A ray of hope for you. A guest is arriving here. You will soon come to know after listening to him. But we will astound Millie after getting a bail for David. You have to prepare the papers for David's bail. I am having a statement and a solid proof too. We are going to appeal in high court by this afternoon.'

Mrs. Dora said, 'But we can't till we receive the final orders from district court.'

He grinned and said, 'Really! But in this case we can. Let the guest arrive.'

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