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After making several elaborate lists on what she needed, what she didn't need and what she might need, Amelia decided a trip to the hardware store was necessary. She ran it by Olly, who looked over and approved her lists, adding a couple of things here and taking away a few there. He seemed just as excited at the prospect of their joint project, but when she had suggested they make the trip to the store together, he declined, saying he was busy that morning.

To say she was disappointed was a slight understatement, but a freshly shaved and happy Adam appeared suddenly and offered to go with her. Never one to reject company, Amelia accepted his offer and half an hour later, they were standing in the paint section of Home Depot.

And Adam was just about ready to kill himself.

"Millie," he said exasperated. "How many different shades of yellow can there be? Just pick one already!"

Amelia rolled her eyes and selected a Ralph Lauren paint chip and compared it to the Benjamin Moore shade. "Adam, this is important. The wrong shade could offset the entire room in the absolute worst way. It's important that you be absolutely pendatic in situations like these."

Adam leaned against the card that was filled with drop sheets, sand paper, rolling brushes and paint trays. "Yeah, but you're taking like, six hours."

"We've been here for half an hour," Amelia retorted. "You didn't need to offer to come if you were going to be bored."

Adam shrugged. "I don't mind, really. It's not like I have much to do today, anyways."

Amelia set the paint chips down and looked at him. "Are you alright?" she asked softly. Adam looked up at her curiously.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" he answered and she shrugged.

"Maybe," she said honestly, "But you've been looking a little blue."

Truth be told, the mother hen role was wearing thin on Adam Kirk. He used to be the craziest one out of their five-some, completely up for streaking in the middle of the night and drinking until he blacked out. He carried a basketball with him everywhere and had dreams of being drafted for the NBA. Dreams that could have come true had he had busted his knee in his second year of college at a Halloween party.

Suddenly, it was like everything got serious. He had to get a real career, a high paying job and support himself. All of his dreams were shattered and he had nothing, yet all of his friends had worked hard, not relying on talent alone to get them through and were succeeding. Everything was harder for Adam and he was stuck trying to pretend to be rational about things he knew nothing about just to keep his head above water.

So when his friends acted immature or childish, Adam felt a flicker of resentment and fell into his mother role. More than anything, though, he resented that role.

Of course, he wasn't about to confess all this to Amelia in Home Depot, so he settled for the second thing that always bothered him.

"Just the lack of a girl on my arm, Mils," he said earnestly.

Amelia frowned. "What about Taylor? You guys seemed to spend a lot of time together when I was...you know."

Adam shook his head, rolling the cart back and forth. "She's not interested, Amelia."

"But are you-"

"Trust me, I'm sure." He looked at her then and she realized this part of their conversation was now over. "How are you doing?"

She contemplated the question. How was she doing? Today she had probably felt the best she had felt in months, this much was apparent. Somehow, with this knowledge, it was easier to talk about.

"I'm doing better," she said softly, shuffling the paint chips in her hands. "I thought I'd never feel whole again, you know? And I still don't, but I'm feeling stronger, better. Most of all, I'm thankful I never married Tom."

Adam let out a low whistle. "I can imagine."

She nodded, feeling a small lump develop in her throat. "I would have been miserable, more so than I am..., no, was, now. Knowing what he did, knowing I could have been in loveless marriage kills me. But at the same time, it makes me feel better knowing that I still have a chance at the real thing."

"It in no way makes it easier," she said, "but there's...certain factors that make it bearable."

The two fell into a comfortable silence and finally twenty-five minutes later, Amelia had declared that she had selected the shade for the room.

"Are you sure Olly will approve of that?" Adam asked as they waited for the paint to be mixed.

Amelia elbowed him. "He told me I could pick pink if I wanted, too, and he'd be fine with it."

Adam grinned to himself and she looked at him strangely. He was smiling as if he had a secret, one that she should know, too. When she raised an eyebrow, he simply shrugged.

"Knowing Olly, I don't doubt that."



dedication to: ollylover! She is fantastic and lovely and her comments about my fanfics! You should check out her imagines, they're amazing! Love her xxx

love came calling, twice // olly mursWhere stories live. Discover now