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Amelia smiled slowly.

"Well, yeah," she said, a little taken aback when he frowned. "How long can you expect me to stay here?"

"For as long as you need to, as long as you want," Olly said hastily, walking over to the coffee pot and pouring himself his own mug. "You don't feel like you're intruding, do you? Cause I really don't want you to feel like that."

"I don't, really," Amelia insisted, "It's just that, yes, I can't live here forever. And it's probably for the best that I move out sooner rather than later."

Olly shook his head. "Well, don't go making any rash decisions, okay?" he said seriously. "I mean, at least give it a week, give yourself some time to really decide if that's what you really want. You know you're welcome to stay here as long as you want, right?"

Amelia nodded slowly. "Yes. And I'm not going to be moving out within a week, Olly," she smiled. "These things take longer than that."

Olly smiled slowly, but the anxiety was still present in his face. It's presence made Amelia's heart pound. Suddenly then, Olly's eyes fell on Taylor and he grinned.

"Good morning, Taylor," he said cheekily and Taylor glared.

"Fuck off, Murs," she hissed, "I already got the same look from Amelia."

But Olly just continued to grin. "Pretty sure you don't live here. Am I right, Amelia?"

Laughing, she nodded. "He's got you there, Taylor."

"I hate the both you," Taylor mumbled. "So very much."

"Not as much as Adam is going to hate me," Olly said, downing the rest of his coffee, "Considering I am going upstairs to rib him right now." He glanced up at Amelia. "Did you have plans for today?"

She shook her head. "No, why?"

"Well, I don't either and I was thinking about it, and do you just want to do the shoot today?" he asked carefully. "I know I scheduled it with Angie for Friday, but you live here, so it's a little more convenient."

Amelia felt herself flush at the mention of the shoot. "Sure, that sounds good," she swallowed, he mouth suddenly dry. "Did you um, want me to wear anything specific?"

Olly considered this. "Um, that white dress you have? The one you wore to the craft store? That'd be great, perfect for what I was going for." He gulped, his face turning slightly red. "And this sounds weird, too, but no make up, but it would be helpful if you painted your lips red. For strictly artistic reasons," he stammered, feeling bashful. "I was going to have Angie do the same, you can ask her if-"

"Olly," Amelia laughed, her heart thumping in her chest. "I know your intentions are strictly professional. What time?"

"Around one," he said, looking her in the eye. He held her gaze for a moment and she started back, eyes darting across his features. Damn, he was beautiful. He swallowed thickly before turning to leave. "I'll talk to you soon."

"Kay," Amelia said, waving slightly as he retreated out the room. She looked over to see Taylor gaping at her.

"What?" she asked carefully, worried at the look on her friend's face.

"Oh my god," Taylor said quietly as Olly stepped out of the room. "Oh my god, do you realise what just went down?"

Amelia blinked, confused. "Olly and I made plans for a photo-shoot? I know, it's weird considering we hated each other a few months ago, but-"

"No," Taylor said, leaning her elbows on the table and staring at the woman across from her with wide eyes. "Mamihlapinatapei."

Eyes darting around in confusion, Amelia cleared her throat. "I'm sorry, but did you just speak English?"


"Oh, well, that explains that." Amelia paused. "Well, not really, actually."

"Mamihlapinatapei," Taylor said again, setting her mug off coffee on the counter. "It's a Yaghan word for a look shared between two people with both wanting the same thing, but wishing the other would initiate it. Also known as longing, pining, blah blah blah."

Amelia flushed. What was Taylor on about? "Okay..."

"And you and Murs over there? You have it. In spades. In buckets. I have never seen a stronger example of mamihlapinatapei in my whole life."

"Would you stop using that word?" Amelia said, pressing a hand to her temple. "You're giving me a headache."

"I don't care," Taylor said. "Amelia, you should have seen the way you two looked at each other. I have never seen you look at anyone like that in all the years i have known you. I have never seen two people look at each other the way you two did. What is going on between you?"

Taking a gulp of coffee, Amelia tried desperately to clear her head. What was going on between she and Olly? They were friends, that much was apparent and certain. But she had been all too comfortable in his arms while watching the movie yesterday for it to be strictly platonic. She pondered the situation for a moment.

Was it possible that somewhere in between talking in the middle of the night and visiting the craft store, Amelia had developed feelings for Olly? She shook her head and scoffed. No, it was impossible. Sure, he was talented and kind and ambitious and funny and good looking, and she was allowed to acknowledge all of these things. But no where along the line did it mean that she had actual feelings for him. Romantic feelings. No, no, it was entirely too soon. Tom hadn't even been gone a year yet. There was no way.

Or was there? Was there a chance that the warmth she felt flood through her when he laughed actually meant something? Realizing she had not spoken in several minutes, Amelia looked up to see Taylor standing there with a wide smirk on her face.

"See?" the dark haired woman said. "You had to think about it. Anything you try to say now won't ring true, so don't even try it. Besides, I know a look of mamihlapinatapei when I see it."

Sighing, the thoughts in her head far too much to comprehend for the early hour, Amelia dumped the rest of her coffee down the drain before flicking Taylor in the arm.

"Shut up, Taylor," she said with a cheeky smile as she exited the room. "I'm pretty sure I'm not the one wearing Adam's t-shirt right now."

With a cough and a sputter, Taylor did as she was told and stopped talking.

Oh, love.



love came calling, twice // olly mursWhere stories live. Discover now