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She woke up the next morning curled up in bed, the scent of sandalwood overpowering her senses. This was nothing new. She had been waking to that scent for nearly two months, for no matter what she did, Olly still clung to his sheets.

However, the warm body next to her and the arm around her waist were a change.

Amelia snuggled closer to Olly who was still fast asleep, his breathing even and steady. She willed her eyes to stay shut as she tucked her head into the crook underneath his chin and pressed a kiss to the hollow of his neck, hoping not to wake him. His hand on her waist tightened right after and she knew that she had failed, and that he was now fighting consciousness, too, but didn't open her eyes.

This was so wonderful, she thought to herself, loving the feel of his cotton t-shirt underneath her cheek. He was so warm and comfortable and she felt so, so safe and so, so happy.

After the many kisses they had shared last night, many more were exchanged and the two danced around the room to a variation of music, laughing and goofing off. Around midnight, they tumbled into Amelia's bed, their limbs intertwining as sleep overcame them. Now, waking, Amelia certainly felt like she could get used to this.

She felt Olly's lips ghost against her hair and she squirmed. She was so comfortable, but reality held him and frankly, she'd rather be there than in dream world. Her heart clenched at the information. For the first time in months, her reality was better. She was so happy she could cry.

Opening her eyes slowly, she shifted and scooted away from Olly to get a good look at him. Maybe he was still sleeping. As luck would have it, he was awake and watching her, his fingers drawing circles on her hip now. He smiled at her.

"Good morning," he said softly and she smiled back at him.

"Good morning," she said, raising her hand to run across his cheek. His eyes fluttered shut at her touch and she leaned forward, kissing his lips gently, marveling at the shocks that ran through her system as he reciprocated the gesture.

She felt giddy, like a teenager. Olly had felt the same way she did. Somewhere along the line, she had started falling in love with him and he with her. It felt so wonderful and so right and she was basking in the feel of his lips against hers. He pulled back, running his tongue across his lips, savoring her taste.

"I'm never going to want to wake up any other way, now," he said softly as he dragged her to rest against him. "That was much too nice."

"Hmm," she cooed, leaning up to kissing him again. "I have to agree." He met her halfway and their lips connected softly, still testing the waters.

"We should probably talk about this," she said in between kisses, sighing as he began attacking her neck with his mouth, her eyes fluttering closed. "I mean, a lot has happened in the last twelve or so hours."

"We probably should," he agreed, "and we will. But first," he kissed his way back up to her jaw, "first we finish this and then we have breakfast."

"That sounds nice," she said, turning so her lips grazed his. "That sounds amazing. I wonder if anyone else is up yet."

Suddenly, her eyes snapped open and she pushed Olly off of her. He stared back at her in confusion.

"What?" he asked, blinking. She jumped out of bed, dragging the sheets off of him. "What?" Please don't let her suddenly be regretting this, he thought.

"You have to get back downstairs!" she said, rushing towards the door. "You're supposed to be on the couch! What are we going to do if the others wake up and discover you're not there?"

love came calling, twice // olly mursWhere stories live. Discover now