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"I really think I should hate you for this," Amelia said from the passenger seat of Olly's truck later that day. "I mean, I let you buy our freaking house. What if what you picked was totally ugly?"

Olly rolled his eyes as he navigated the roads. "Okay, first of all, I casually mentioned that I might have seen a place and then you promptly said that if I thought it was good, it was good and to buy it because you were too stressed out with the wedding plans to want to deal with anything else," he explained, "this has since been orchestrated into a surprise for you, something to keep your spirits up when you fight with the florist. Don't be getting all negative on me now."

Amelia folded her arms. "Don't you throw that back in my face," she said, furrowing her brows.

"Oh yeah?" he responded, turning down the street. "What's the worst that could happen?"

"I'll be mad at you," she said simply, turning to look out the window, "and in turn, your child will be mad at you. You sure you want that?"

"Our child," he began, "would not be mad at me because he or she would know their mother was being irrational and not happy about something that was, essentially, for her own good." He reached across the seat and rubbed her stomach softly. "Isn't that right, little one?"

"Nope," Amelia responded stubbornly, batting Olly's hand away. "We are mad at you."

"Really now?" he turned down a street that would hopefully one he would turn down many times for many more years.

"Yep," she said, noticing that they were slowly down. "Are we almost there?"

Olly turned into the driveway of his destination and grinned. "That depends," he said, cutting the engine. "You still mad at me?"

Looking through the dashboard at the house in front of her, Amelia shook her head. "Not if this is our house."

Laughing, Olly opened his door and ran around the front of the truck to open Amelia's. Grinning, he swept down and pecked her lips, before helping her out of the truck. "Well, then, we're here."

Amelia looked at the house in awe. It was two stories, beautiful white brick covering the walls with ivy growing up and down the sides. A small garden filled with soft purple flowers was in the front and there was a stone path leading up to the front door. The windows were large and a huge oak three was on the front lawn. Looking to the side, she spied a small garage with a dark green door and she grinned.

"So far, you've done well, Olly," she said, taking his hand in hers. Her heart thumped as he smiled at her.

"Want to see the inside?" he whispered and she nodded, feeling anxious and excited all at once. Gripping his hand so tight her knuckles turned white, she watched as they walked up the stone path and he stopped at the door, finding the appropriate key and putting it in the lock. He turned back to smile at her.

"Ready?" he asked and she nodded, feeling her insides burst as he swung the front door open.

She gasped as they stepped inside. "Olly," she breathed. "It's...it's stunning."

And certainly it was. The house was large, slightly bigger than the red-brick house, with high ceilings and dark hardwood floors. The walls were a soft creme colour and were adorned with white crown molding. To her right was a large staircase the spiraled against the wall, leading to the second floor. She looked behind her and saw a small sitting room by the front door, and glanced down the hallway to see that it led to a living space and the kitchen. She turned to Olly, who was looking at her with expectant eyes.

"You like it?" he asked hesitantly. "It's okay?"

Feeling the tears well up in her eyes, Amelia stepped forward and kissed him boldly before wrapping her arms around him. "It's beautiful," she answered, pressing her forehead to his shoulder. "God, it's everything I could have every asked for and more."

Running a hand through her hair, he kissed her forehead and smiled. "I saw it and I just knew that it was our home, you know? Different from what we're used to, but our home, nevertheless. It's got three baths and four bedrooms. The master bedroom is gorgeous, wait till you see how large the windows in it are."

Lifting her head, Amelia smiled at him. "Four bedrooms? Including the master?"

Olly nodded. "Yeah," he said, "The master, one for the baby and two...two for whatever else comes along."

"Whatever else comes along?" she whispered, feeling a tear fall down her cheek. The implications of that sentence made her heart pound. Adam, Jeff, Taylor, Jason, family members, other guests. More children. Her heart swelled as he brought a hand up to wipe away a tear.

"Yeah," he whispered with a smile, "for whatever else comes along."

She kissed him soundly then and he responded back eagerly. Never would they have thought they'd end up where they were, standing in the house that would be their home. Never would they imagine they'd fall so deeply in love that the years that they would experience for the rest of their lives would be coloured by it. Never would they imagine that nestled between them was a child that would grow to be one of the most beautiful human beings they could imagine. Never would Amelia have imagined walking down the aisle and seeing Olly standing at the end of it, even though he imagined seeing her walk towards him nearly everyday for three years.

The house would be one of love and laughter, with pictures adoring nearly every free surface they could find. Their refrigerator would be covered in Polaroids of stuffed animals in a few years and their kitchen table would occupy more than just three seats. Their parents would come for visits and offer information on tea and flowers and every holiday would be a joyous occasion. They'd burn dinners and they'd get next to no sleep when more than one family member was under the age of five in a few years, and they'd fight every now and then. But at the end of the day, they'd be in each others arms, their love stronger than they had ever imagined.

For right now, they had each other and they were each other. Everything else could wait, but it would come. Pulling away, Amelia smiled excitedly at Olly and bounded down the hall to the kitchen. "Come on, Olly!" she said, laughing, "Let's explore!"

Chuckling to himself, he followed his fiancee into the kitchen where she was standing looking out the screen-doors to the spacious backyard. Coming up behind her, he wrapped his arms around her stomach and pressed a kiss to her shoulder.

"There's a rosebush on the side of the house, you know," he whispered, "just underneath the window of the master bedroom."

She stilled, her breath catching in her throat. "Really?" she choked out, leaning back into his chest. "What colour?"

He smiled as she rested her hands over top of his and laced her fingers with his, both of them cradling the life they had created beneath their palms. Then softly, he pressed a kiss to her ear and answered her.




love came calling, twice // olly mursWhere stories live. Discover now